HP spectre x360 screen cracking how common is it?

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Sep 24, 2018
looks like a design flaw to me. screen shouldn't crack from opening the lid or closing it

but it seems like theres a lot of owners who experienced the surprise crack on their spectre laptops

im just wondering if HP is doing anything about it besides offering the 399 repair for something that was caused by poor design
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Unless some serious legal action is taken they won't do anything about it and just call it user error. So the normal way of handeling things.
Question from fuzzysig : "how to prove that screen can crack due to design flaw or manufacturing defect?"

The only thing I can think of is to check online and see if there is a class action lawsuit against HP and that model laptop. I know over the years there have been issues with laptops in general that get a class action lawsuit filed. Never for a digitizer but my memory isn't perfect nor do I know about every lawsuit.

Personally I would argue she's right. Unless they are using some sort of sub standard screen, it takes a force to crack the screen. It could have happened while driving, or perhaps someone did something while it was on the table without you knowing. The odds of you proving it's their fault and having them fix it however are basically 0.
A dent in the metal case implies a force strong enough to potentially crack the screen.

And the crack does not have to appear in the exact place where the dent is. Trapezoidal force on the case may make a crack appear on the whole other side.

Unless you can find other exact same models with screen cracks, I don't see you winning this.
I know what you re thinking but that dent in no way could have cracked the screen like that
it would have made a markon the back of lcd unit if it actually made contact with it. and would have cracked the lcd first

its not mark from something hitting it its a mark from something scuffing it.

my old laptop I know for sure my kid walked over it at least 5 times when it was in the back seat and the screen is still good.
I abused that laptop fro sure when that POS started having issues with freezing( the famous HP G62 what had a known motherboard issue and HP also didn't do anything about it. they also claimed it was a user damage
but I see your point. unfortunately many companies do not spend enough time on R&D and release underdeveloped products that fail and since people are never organized theres no action taken to make it right

kinda like Mercedes balance shaft issue. where they made a limited recall for 2 years and less than half the cars were able to have the 7200 dollar repair done , now the 60000 car is worth 5000-6000 or owners need to fork out 7200 dollars to fix the defect
I have the same issue and no dent or crack. was simply turning it around to use the tablet and the top right corner cracked. Mine is less than 8 months old. They said $600 to fix it. I would have rather heard $399 🙂 I've posted on their page, they have locked down a couple of the forum posts related to this issue... probably because they are having a few.
I have had my HP Spectre 360 for about 2 years and I am on my second cracked screen. I had the laptop about 6 months and the screen turned up cracked. I had it repaired and a couple months later it cracked in the same place again. I do not use it as a tablet. In fact I barely use it as a "laptop" at all. I keep it on my desk and the most action it gets is opening and closing the lid. So maybe someone can explain how I have a cracked screen TWICE now with absolutely no impact to the laptop itself. With the crack stretching from lower left corner up to the camera lens, I am unable to use the touch screen feature at all. It is very frustrating to spend over $1500.00 for a computer that is so poorly designed. I dare anyone from HP to try and tell me its not a design flaw.
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