Recent content by Aeophile

  1. A

    Bluetoth Keyboard vs. Convertible/Attachable for Tablets?

    Thanks for the response Gopher1369. Good to know some systems are issue-free. I should have specified though that I intend to purchase a tablet with Windows 8, 8.1, or Android 4.2 or higher. Most likely, it will be Windows 8.1 or Android 4.3. Does anyone have any knowledge and/or experience with...
  2. A

    Bluetoth Keyboard vs. Convertible/Attachable for Tablets?

    I have an external Bluetooth Keyboard that I use with my 2 year-old Blackberry and there are all sorts of problems (e.g. lag when typing, functionality in some applications but not others, etc.) I am about to buy a tablet, and I want to know if I will have any of the same problems, assuming I...
  3. A

    Can tablets be upgraded?

    I am looking at several tablets, Including the Asus Transformer T100, some of the Vostro 11 Pro tablets, the Vostro 8 Pro, and Windows Surface tablets. I have researched the processors, and some of them can support 4GB of RAM, but the tablets only come with 2GB. Are there any tablets that cam...