Bluetoth Keyboard vs. Convertible/Attachable for Tablets?


Nov 10, 2013
I have an external Bluetooth Keyboard that I use with my 2 year-old Blackberry and there are all sorts of problems (e.g. lag when typing, functionality in some applications but not others, etc.) I am about to buy a tablet, and I want to know if I will have any of the same problems, assuming I purchase a highly rate, Bluetooth 4.0 keyboard. Are the problems I am experiencing endemic of the world of Bluetooth keyboards, or is it just the fact that I am using an older cellphone with an older Bluetooth rating? I do not really care if the keyboard connects with the tablet, unless having a keyboard that is native to the device, designed specifically for the model of tablet, will improve functionality. Will a good Bluetooth keyboard basically serve me as well as the keyboard I am use to on my laptop, or will there be any disadvantages?
Thanks for the response Gopher1369. Good to know some systems are issue-free. I should have specified though that I intend to purchase a tablet with Windows 8, 8.1, or Android 4.2 or higher. Most likely, it will be Windows 8.1 or Android 4.3. Does anyone have any knowledge and/or experience with such configurations? I know there are keyboards specifically billed as being "for Android devices," or as, "Windows" keyboards. This leads me to wonder if such keyboards merely have additional Android/Windows-specific additional functionality/keys, or if there are any problems they solve that sometimes present themselves, and, if so, how well they fix such problems. Although, that is just an added concern, in addition to the fundamental question I initially asked, which I should have qualified as an inquiry pertaining to Windows and/or Android devices.
Sure, I understand. My reply was really to your one specific comment of "Are the problems I am experiencing endemic of the world of Bluetooth keyboards", and the answer to this part of your question is no. Outside of our KeyFolio cases I have no experience, I don't actually own or use a tablet myself, I prefer proper Windows 8 Pro.

What about a Surface or Asus Transformer Prime? They are specifically designed to be used with keyboards.