Recent content by Bianchi789

  1. B

    Logitech G430 Low Volume with USB Adapter. PS4 and PC

    Hi all. I just bought a Logitech G430 and I am having some volume issues. I tend to use the headset without the USB adapter while on my PC just because of the volume difference but when I use it on my PS4 I need the mic so I need to use the adapter. If there anyway I can increase the volume...
  2. B

    Bluestacks Emulator Crashing?

    I'm a little disappointed i gotta say :( nobody knows what to do? I've reinstalld in 4x already now...
  3. B

    Bluestacks Emulator Crashing?

    Hello, I have a HP Pavilion x2 tablet and it has a full version of Windows 8.1 installed. I installed Bluestacks and it runs fine, i downloaded Clash of Clans no problem, but when I try to run it, it freezes for a second, then my screen blinks black and the window turns white. I also get a...
  4. B

    Micro SD or USB?

    i play neverwinter on my notebook off of a USB right now, and it seems a little laggy at times, probably my connection, does anyone know if the response time would increase off of a micro sd? thanks
  5. B

    How to change a resolution of an image?

    nevermind tested and it works perfectly . Thanks a lot!
  6. B

    How to change a resolution of an image?

    How? I am not very familiar with image editing, I do not want to crop the image, just make it smaller. Thanks for the quick reply
  7. B

    How to change a resolution of an image?

    I'm not sure how I could approach this, but I have a triple portrait monitor setup 3240x1920 and I can't find ANY hd wallpapers for this resolution, I am currently using a wallpaper for a much higher resolution and it is extremely zoomed in and it looks odd. Now is there a way I can change...
  8. B

    msi What programs do I need to keep?

    I don't trust a lot of stuff but this site has usually given me good advice...That's why I am coming here.
  9. B

    msi What programs do I need to keep?

    I just built my first PC and I installed the drivers and all, but now I have a bunch of programs that came with the motherboard and video card, but I Dont know which i should keep or which i shouldn't? Can someone tell me the use of half these things? Thanks! CommandCenter Fast Boot Live...