Recent content by bluesky4us

  1. B

    restoring old stereo

    i finally the bias is repaired but i am having problems with a 220ohm resistor shorting out and burning in the circuit. the 320R has the same typology for resistors i am lost on what to look at next. first thing i tried was using to ohm meter to check for the short no luck. next thing was...
  2. B

    restoring old stereo

    i have all of the papers. one pot is set right where it is supposed to be i wrote down the resistance and ordered multi turn pots. i when i am done i will follow the instructions and correct the bias. the last owner turn the original pot the in extreme position and it burned out. it is to bad...
  3. B

    restoring old stereo

    finishing replacing most of the transistors on a HH scott 325 R receiver. i dont really know what to do if the bias adjustment pot is destroyed. i know that you replace it with the same exact one but where are you supposed to set it to prevent another burn out.
  4. B

    is old relly better then new

    i forgot which modal it is i know it is not tubes i think it is 80 watts a channel and has a hardwood case that needs to be fixed. everyone says stereo is better and that you don't need all the fancy add on,s of modern av receivers.
  5. B

    is old relly better then new

    in my town there is this guy that wants 30 dollars for a fisher stereo amplifier from the 70s. don't really know if i should buy that or not.
  6. B

    I made a boo-boo?

    you need to look up your laptop modal online and find your drivers. once the installers are downloaded put them on a flash drive and install them. that is what crappy old best buy would charge you 50 dollars or whatever to do anyways.