Recent content by ClubSpade12

  1. ClubSpade12

    Case for Sony MDR-XB950? or just large headphone case?

    Looking for a 10 dollar or so headphone case to put my headphones is because they are sort of big. I can't tell by looking at pictures and things because most use Beats headphones are don't specify sizes. Can anyone help me out here?
  2. ClubSpade12

    Undo registry edit

    Fair point.
  3. ClubSpade12

    I want remove Windows 10 and restore Windows 7 on it how can I do it do I need to crash it first

    yeah unless you have a fresh copy of Windows 7 around you can't do that.
  4. ClubSpade12

    Undo registry edit

    Files in a .rar are password protected, I was trying to recover the password. But reinstalling drivers worked so thank you for helping out
  5. ClubSpade12

    Undo registry edit

    What an evil program... I looked at my brother's PC and that entry/key whatever wasn't even there, so I deleted the one in mine, and I'm currently installing drivers again, I'll get back to you.
  6. ClubSpade12

    Undo registry edit

    Hold up, I may have helped myself, I right clicked on the .reg and chose 'edit' and it says where it is located I think... REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers] "TdrLevel"=dword:00000000
  7. ClubSpade12

    Undo registry edit

    So I was trying to recover a rar. password, I was told to check out crark, in the instructions, it says to run "driver-timeout.reg" so I did, and it didn't do anything that I could notice. So once I gave up on getting the rar. password, I went to play some games, and now they freeze and I must...
  8. ClubSpade12

    Which speakers should I get?

    Alright, thanks.
  9. ClubSpade12

    Which speakers should I get?

    I'm looking at these three different sets of speakers, I'm wondering if there are any really noticeable difference between them...
  10. ClubSpade12

    No sound from right speaker

    Hm. Well then yeah, there's probably something wrong with your mobo then. Chances are you can't fix that, are you using the headphone port on the front of your case when you use these, or are they plugged into the actual motherboard? And then, are you plugging your headphones into the headphone...
  11. ClubSpade12

    No sound from right speaker

    Assumably youve already looked around in your sound settings. Are you using a soundboard or your motherboards audio
  12. ClubSpade12

    No sound from right speaker

    This might be an issue with your sound board or something, I'm no expert, but it would make sense if your PC thinks the left and middle are the left and right speakers. That's just a guess though, other than that, I'd say you've just got broken speakers.