Recent content by cold fire

  1. cold fire

    Facebook Now Allowing You to Edit Old and New Comments

    A Bad DayAny changes to their ToS? Yes. Now it says: "All your privacy are belong to us".
  2. cold fire

    Al-Qaeda Docs Found Hidden in Porn Stuffed in Underpants

    Looks like they guy couldn't wait for the 72 virgins!
  3. cold fire

    Zelda Fans Create Stunning Majora's Mask HD Trailer

    timetravelingtrevorI keep throwing my money at the screen but it isn't doing anything!! >_ That's because your screen only accepts credit cards, sir!
  4. cold fire

    Possible iPhone 5 Pictures Posted Online; Has Longer Screen

    aponeSo when Samsung increases the screen size of its phones, it's criticized as being ridiculous, stupid, and desperate but when Apple does it, then it's okay, right? Not just that. When Apple does it, it is considered innovation!
  5. cold fire

    Possible iPhone 5 Pictures Posted Online; Has Longer Screen

    aoneonewhich one is the iphone5 the top one or bottom one? seriously idiots can you label the phones so we can figure this out? i mean this isnt rocket science here... I see what you did there.. or maybe it's just my immature mind!
  6. cold fire

    Stupid Thief Uploads Pictures of Self from Stolen iPhone

    Well, at least something good came out of all the tracking and privacy invasion provided with phones nowadays.
  7. cold fire

    Not Just iOS: Android Apps Can Secretly Copy, Upload Photos

    greenspoonIt is really funny to me how this is ok, since it is google. When this was Apple being accused of this it was terrible and underhanded. Seriously, when it was Apple the tone was much more aggressive but now this is happening on a Google platform it's ok and just how computers work...
  8. cold fire

    Report: iPad 2 May Drop to $299 After iPad 3 Launch

    Knowing Apple and their pricing schemes, there's no way in hell they're gonna sell iPads for $299. The original iPad still sells for around $500!
  9. cold fire

    LG Revealing 84" 3D UDTV at CES 2012

    I want the chick now and the TV in the future.
  10. cold fire

    Saudi Billionaire Sinks $300 Million in Twitter

    Now women must have male guardians before they can tweet.
  11. cold fire

    Watch Some Fangirls Rap About Windows Phone 7

    Oh come on people, they're not that bad......for sex!
  12. cold fire

    Report: Cheaper 8GB iPhone 4 Coming 'Within Weeks'

    How are we supposed not to HOLD IT WRONG if it's so small?
  13. cold fire

    Is There a Female Gender Bias in Wikipedia?

    anon23333333It couldnt possibly be a lack of intellect Comment of the month.
  14. cold fire

    10-Year-Old Girl Reveals Exploit in Android, iOS Game

    CamikaziIt's not the fact that it is new that is somewhat special, it's the fact that a 10 year old did figure it out themselves that is. Yes the exploit is old, yes it has been around for many programs but do you think they knew that? They just thought of something to tried and figured it out...
  15. cold fire

    Some iPhone 4 Users Think They Already Have 4G

    scrumworksAnd the conclusion: iPhone users are stupid hipsters. Good job on coming up to a conclusion of established facts. /s