Recent content by counselmancl

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    Say Bye To Old Yahoo As Bing Takes Control

    Bing is powered by the souls of the dammed.
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    George Lucas Sues Peripheral Maker Jedi Mind

    They trade marked the power to levitate objects and shoot lighting out of your fingertips?
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    Obama Says iPad, iPod, Xbox, PS3 are Distractions

    "Some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," Obama said. "All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy." Understand that what he is saying is that free speech is putting democracy at risk. Free speech and...
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    Darth Vader Will Tell You Where to Drive

    You will turn or die!
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    Russian MP Asks for Probe Into Alien Abduction

    "Russian MP Asks for Probe Into Alien Abduction" Hasn't he been probed enough?
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    Facebook Security Hole Shows Your Friends' Chats

    Using facebook is a security breach.
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    Wi-Fi Key-Cracking Kits Now On Sale in China

    This is the electronic equivalent of bottled water. You can get cracking software anywhere.
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    Google Forced to Filter Porn from Android Market?

    "can stream pure porn" That's what I'm talking about. Who wants that weak ass cut up shit anyway?
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    Ultra-Thin Night Vision System in the Works

    I'm hoping that the not watered down version hits the market sometime soon.
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    Nokia N8 Has 12MP Cam, 720p, HDMI; Coming Q3

    matt314Really dude? Just shut up. Can you play Crysis?
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    Online Fake Nurse Encourages Suicides on Forums

    v1zeso which is it? fake nurse or former nurse? A fake former nurse.
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    Police Raid Gizmodo Editor's Home Over iPhone 4G

    This shows you that the government cares more for corporate interests than for personal rights. They went too far.
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    Nokia N8 Has 12MP Cam, 720p, HDMI; Coming Q3

    Can it play Crysis? Well, can it?
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    Auton Dream Machine Makes Your Bed Even Better

    kriswitakI'm sure someone with a background in simple pulleys could come up with something simple that you could rig up under the bed. It could be motorized or not. Complex yes, but for 14k I'm sure I could find the time to figure something out. Then do it.
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    PICTURED: Meet the New 3D $100 Bill

    scrumworksDo they add whistles next? Naa, next ol Ben will be talking and winking at you.