Recent content by cybrcatter

  1. cybrcatter

    Nintendo's Iwata Not Worried by Microsoft's SmartGlass

    He has other issues to worry about, such as releasing a last-gen console sans new motion control gimmicks.
  2. cybrcatter

    Ubisoft's Splinter Cell May Actually Become a Movie

    ^ They've already released 3 Uncharted movies. >_>
  3. cybrcatter

    PS3 to be Backwards Compatible Again Thanks to Gaikai?

    Epsxe and pcsx2. Hi res. Filters. All I need.
  4. cybrcatter

    Sony's E3 Press Conference Will Be Open to the Public

    TomfreakPS4?hardware spec will likely to be less powerful than 2500K + GTX570 We'll be lucky if it's a gimped 460.
  5. cybrcatter

    Stupid Thief Uploads Pictures of Self from Stolen iPhone

    It seems as though Tom's attracts sophisticated users on the weekends...
  6. cybrcatter

    Microsoft Upgrades Bing With Social Sharing

    Damn you adblock. Why din't you block this 'article'?
  7. cybrcatter

    Facebook in Legal Trouble Over Virtual Currency

    Fail at parenting, blame vidya, TV, interwebz...
  8. cybrcatter

    Glasses-Free Could Stunt Growth of 3D Tech, Says FOX

    My sentiments on 3D (in theaters) thus far: MEH. Have absolutely no desire for 3D in my living room or on my PC. I will admit that Jackson's approach to 3D in the forthcoming Hobbit movie has me a little intrigued, but I won't hold my breath.
  9. cybrcatter

    Consumer Watchdog Goes After iPad's 'Misleading' 4G Label

    Implying iPad owners purchased the device for any reason other than the product name.
  10. cybrcatter

    ISPs Agree to U.S.-Based Anti-Bot Code of Conduct

    That was a lot of fluff. How are they going to engage in detection and remediation?
  11. cybrcatter

    Wii U Specs Possibly Leaked: PowerPC CPU, AMD GPU

    Essentially they are releasing a console that will, once again, be one generation behind, except this time they will not have a compelling gimmick. gj, Nintendo.
  12. cybrcatter

    Sony Hints PS4 Won't Arrive Much Later Than Xbox 720

    "while the likes of Nintendo and Microsoft are clearly looking to the future with the Xbox 720 and Wii U". I lol'd.
  13. cybrcatter

    Google's 'Impatient' CEO Apparently Hates Gmail?

    I'm sorry, what? I am willing to bet actual money right now that future generations will remember Gmail as one of the greatest contributions to the consumer Internet experience (the crummy new version notwithstanding). Is this an article or a drunkenly written blog?
  14. cybrcatter

    3DS Sales Jump 260 Percent Following Price Drop

    shanky887614its actually nintendo's sales team are uselesseverybody that has done a level buissness studies or higher should know what supply and demand are and most people know what it is Those graphs don't magically materialize for real world products. Even the theoretical equations in your...