Ubisoft's Splinter Cell May Actually Become a Movie

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Well, it would be nice if one of these games was eventually made into a movie...but done right of course.

Live action movies of Halo, Bioshock, Splinter Cell, Uncharted, and Mass Effect would be amazing. At least we know the technology has caught up enough for a film to be feasible technically. The story...well we all know what happens most of the time when books get turned into movies (Eragon the movie was so bad it made kids cry).
Let anyone except Hollywood do it. they screw up every game to movie they get their hands on. They have a cookie cutter politically correct template and that is all you get.
...And that head gear in the picture is ridiculous. In real world wearing a first gen IR detector glasses would allow you to see one of these from a mile away, like a luminous target with a sign "aim here for a headshot".
It prob gonna suck! I can't see a good splintercell movie without a hug budget and 100% realism, which is hard to sucess these days!
Ubisoft can't even bring the game back to its former glory, let alone make a professional in-game cut scene*... you want them to make a movie?

*Just one example: At the end of conviction, when grim is walking you into the room with the prez... they basically group both models(sam-grim) and rotate from one point in-between the two characters in order to turn them. Crap.
John Clark wasn't a merc. He started off in CIA and then he was head of Rainbow Six.

Chavez (his son in law) now runs R6. Clark has retired according to the books.
If it's a movie, the 3 green lights on top of Sam Fisher head will have to go...who the hell go into stealth wearing 3 torch light on his head. It's like screaming "Look! I am over here!".
I am sure Tom's goes in and changes the thumbs down or up to make their sponsors happy. Tom's is a bunch of tools for Best of Media Group. Tom's web pages are one of the worst for tracking and advertisements that Ghostery nicely blocks.
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