Recent content by Dax corrin

  1. Dax corrin

    Snapchat Exposed: Angry Hackers Post Exploit Code Online

    Woo, make tons of money on the InterWebz... awesome. On topic, glad I'm not a SnapChat user...and the kind of money Google and Facebook are trying to throw at them are obscene.
  2. Dax corrin

    Where Can You Still Buy a PS4?

    I won mine from Taco Bell. :)
  3. Dax corrin

    Review: 'Knack' — Piecing a Launch Title Together

    Well.. I got it for free along with the PS4 I won from Taco Bell.. so I won't be disappointed for the price I paid.
  4. Dax corrin

    What the PS4 Can and Can't Do

    Hopefully, LBP will patch for PS4, or there will be a new version.. my daughter played it at a friend's house and loved it.. we don't have a PS3.
  5. Dax corrin

    What the PS4 Can and Can't Do

    Hopefully, LBP will patch for PS4, or there will be a new version.. my daughter played it at a friend's house and loved it.. we don't have a PS3.
  6. Dax corrin

    What the PS4 Can and Can't Do

    I won one from Taco Bell, should arrive right around launch day... but I want to know about backward compatibility... can Little Big Planet for PS3 run on it??? I've asked the question on their Facebook page both for PS4 and Little Big answer.
  7. Dax corrin

    How Xbox One/Windows 8 Cross Play Would Affect Gamers

    RAM1009... your argument is without merit. Cross-platform gaming is by definition multi-player. fi you play solo, you play on whatever system you have. It doesn't make you second-class, you are trying to make a problem out of something that isn't a problem. Maybe you should run for office.
  8. Dax corrin

    Why Intel and Apple Won't Replace Cable TV

    While people howl about the cost of cable, the truth is, providers like ESPN charge an arm and a leg per sub to cover their costs of providing the NFL, etc.. and it goes up every year. Take it from a cable guy.
  9. Dax corrin

    Report: 38 Million Americans Have Shopped From the Toilet

    Can't even escape the sore loser Repuglicans here...
  10. Dax corrin

    Battlestar Galactica 'Blood and Chrome' Debuts on YouTube

    I've been watching both the old and new series again On Demand through Xfinity cable, who I also happen to work for... I forgot how cheesy the old series was, too many shots of the Vipers that were shown over and over, and wow, you can see all the blocky matte images around the moving ships...
  11. Dax corrin

    Ben Heck Mods PS3 For Use in Afghanistan

    Very slick, nice for our boys overseas to have something to relax with.
  12. Dax corrin

    Skype Goes Down, Millions of Voices Silenced

    Who's the bigger fool... the fool, or the fool who follows him?
  13. Dax corrin

    Avatar Beats Dark Knight's Blu-ray Sales Records

    I pissed off my wife and bought the DVD/Blu-Ray combo, and a BLu-Ray player for $100 at Costco. Visually stunning, and it upconverts my DVDs so they look a bit better. I've been waiting for the players to hit the $100 mark, now just get the movies to come down to DVD prices and I'm a happy camper.
  14. Dax corrin

    Toyota Drivers Say 'Fixed' Cars Still Accelerating

    samoya222So far as I know, acceleration isn't a design flaw; it's a physical law. No car will ever go from 0-60 in 0.0 seconds. Why can't people accept this? It's unintended acceleration, numbnuts.
  15. Dax corrin

    Samsung Says You Need a Fridge With Wi-Fi

    For the fool who has everything.