Recent content by doogansquest

  1. doogansquest

    Google Bans SMS Text Spying App From Android

    To the devil's advocate who made the divorce court comment: It wouldn't PROVE that someone has been, or is cheating. It only reveals that people have been talking about it. Why? Because CONTEXT can't be proven, only CONTENT. A person (or both persons involved) could simply say it was a fantasy...
  2. doogansquest

    MSFT's Magic Mouse Hitting Next Month for $70?

    Windows 7 has been freaking brilliant, so I don't know where all of the "bad ideas only copied" come from. I use both Macs and PC's at work, and I sigh relief whenever I use Windows 7 instead of the Mac OS. W7 is smarter, lighter, and far more flexible. It's also customizable, unlike the Mac OS...