Recent content by EABlair03

  1. E

    Any Video Converter Coverts Videos in Bulk

    Been using this for about two years. THANKS FOR THE UPDATE, TOM'S!
  2. E

    Modern Warfare 2 DLC for PS3, PC Gets Dated

    Yeah, no thanks; I'll be playing M.A.G.
  3. E

    Microsoft: Natal Does Work in Small Living Rooms

    "...jump off the couch and into the fun..."
  4. E

    Valve Still Not Interested in the PlayStation 3

    "Of course, all of you who are reading now with a PS3 also have a gaming PC, right?" Yup. PC is for FPSs (STALKER is one of the greatest games on the face of the Earth [with mods, of course]). PS3 is for anything else. (Recently, I played Prototype on the PC, and then bought it for the PS3...