Recent content by ElAguila64

  1. E

    Lenovo Flex 3 1580 Memory and Drive upgrade

    I was able to run the scanner. I opened up the bottom to take a look at the drive and I got settled on a replacement. Anybody know where the ram is located? I didn't see it. I had removed the battery but that was the only thing I removed from the inside while looking around.
  2. E

    Lenovo Flex 3 1580 Memory and Drive upgrade

    Thanks for the info. I was able to look up the hard drive and it is a 2.5" 7mm drive so I am good there on finding an ssd. I have been unable to determine if the ram can be upgraded or not. I don't even know if it has more than 1 ram slot. I guess I will open it up tomorrow and find out.
  3. E

    Lenovo Flex 3 1580 Memory and Drive upgrade

    I recently picked up a Flex 3 1580. It has a core i7, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, nvidia 940M graphics card. I have looked at the Flex 3 15.6" specs on Lenovo's site and they don't seem to match mine. I was wondering if the RAM in this model can be upgraded to 16GB? Also can I replace the HDD with a...