Lenovo Flex 3 1580 Memory and Drive upgrade


Sep 20, 2016
I recently picked up a Flex 3 1580. It has a core i7, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, nvidia 940M graphics card. I have looked at the Flex 3 15.6" specs on Lenovo's site and they don't seem to match mine. I was wondering if the RAM in this model can be upgraded to 16GB? Also can I replace the HDD with a standard 2.5" 7mm SSD?
Thanks for the info. I was able to look up the hard drive and it is a 2.5" 7mm drive so I am good there on finding an ssd. I have been unable to determine if the ram can be upgraded or not. I don't even know if it has more than 1 ram slot. I guess I will open it up tomorrow and find out.
You might save some time if you let the Crucial scanner run through your system to tell you what you have and by how much it can be increased, if at all. They price the results but you don't have to buy from them and the scan is quite safe. www.crucial.com
I was able to run the scanner. I opened up the bottom to take a look at the drive and I got settled on a replacement. Anybody know where the ram is located? I didn't see it. I had removed the battery but that was the only thing I removed from the inside while looking around.

We should be able to upgrade to 16GB now after updating to the latest BIOS version D3CN35WW released on 11/14/2016.

I have not tested it yet but I just talked with a tech support guy at Adamanta Memory after seeing thier Amazon listing for a 1x16GB RAM module. Here's the link. Adamanta 16GB (1x16GB) Laptop Memory Upgrade for Lenovo Flex 3 DDR3L 1600Mhz PC3L-12800 SODIMM 2Rx8 ...

I gave him my model number and the new BIOS version and he said that it will in fact work. I don't have the cash just yet to upgrade but maybe someone else can test this out and respond here sooner.

My computers specs are:
Lenovo Flex 3-1580 with a i7-6500U @ 2.5GHz
Serial Number: R90HY8C8
Machine Type: 80R40007US

FYI- I couldn't boot up after the updating my BIOS to version D3CN35WW. Turn out that I had to change the settings in BIOS to boot using Legacy Mode instead of UEFI Mode. Use a paperclip to push and hold the internal button in the little hole next to the power button to get the option to enter the BIOS menu.

The RAM module (there's only on slot) is located under a rectangular metal box-cover with two little tabs sticking out on one side of it. Just use the tabs to pull up on it to remove it.