I've had the same problem with stuttering in Chrome and narrowed it down to Nvidia Experience software. I tried uninstalling a bunch of stuff and restarted my pc. Then everything worked fine. I thought it was the adblocker in chrome who was to blame, but when I reinstalled nvidia experience to...
Hi, yea. But i figured it out anyways. It was because Microsoft newest Windows 10 update changed my pc's rights to use my mic. I had to manually make an exception for certain apps. For anyone else who might have this problem, go to "Settings > Privacy > Microphone" and read from there.
My headset's mic, which I've had no problems with in the past suddenly stopped working properly on one of my 2 pc's. On my laptop everything seems fine when speaking over Discord, but when i plug it in my desktop I cant seem to get the mic working.
I've installed new firmware and drivers...