Recent content by evillman

  1. evillman

    Google's Social Network Called ''Google +1''? is google's social network, it was the very first in popularity on Brazil, before twitter and Facebook.
  2. evillman

    Google's Social Network Called ''Google +1''?

    Google already have it's social network!!! Look for ORKUT
  3. evillman

    Phones Get Killed & Grilled: iPhone, Android, WP7

    What happened? Aren't smartphones fire proof? So why buy a smartphone over a cell phone? Lol
  4. evillman

    Mozilla Shows Off Awesome Smartphone Concept

    To the guy that wrote "If Mozilla gave me that phone, I wouldn't mind them ruling as Mozilla overlords...Google, I'm sorry, but Mozilla would beat you with this phone" This phone is using android. Haha
  5. evillman

    Teen Shoots Phones into Jail with Bow and Arrow

    Haha, just love my country. Funny stories on each street corner haha