Recent content by fearless1333

  1. F

    Wi-Fi-Hopping Malware Behaves Like Actual Virus

    Infecting a router is a big deal and provides the owner of the virus with a ton of sensitive information. Some things a hacker could potentially have access to would be all login credentials, HTTP code injection, using the infected network for DoS attacks, DNS spoofing, etc. all remotely...
  2. F

    Xbox One, 'Call of Duty' Dominated Black Friday Game Sales

    Sale numbers mean nothing at this point for the PS4 and Xbox One... because of the supply issues both consoles get sold out as soon as new systems arrive. The only thing this statistic of 31% xbox one and 15% ps4 is showing is that Xbox One systems were more in stock over Black Friday.
  3. F

    Obama Reveals Plan to Counter Foreign Cyber-Espionage

    I think that BOTH China and America should stop shitting where they eat. (Yes, they are both responsible for hacking.)
  4. F

    World of Warcraft Movie Lands "Source Code" Director

    MemnarchonI think this movie is 5 years late. At the moment, all the hype is lost, and probably when the movie will be ready, people will play "Titan"... Actually, if you factor in Blizzard "unforeseen delays" and their official statement that "it will be out 2015" optimistic estimates will put...
  5. F

    Seven Bethesda Soundtracks Now Available on iTunes

    What? Bethesda just released these tracks to iTunes? I feel like they could have made so much more money by releasing the tracks with the games
  6. F

    Apple's Siri Was Originally a Super Genius; for Android Too

    Shit, what a surprise, Apple curbing innovation yet again.
  7. F

    Wikipedia Raises $25 Million During Fundraising Campaign

    I don't know about anyone else, but I have yet to find one inaccurate piece of information on Wikipedia for all the years I have used it. Personally, I trust Wikipedia more than I trust my teachers.