Recent content by frozonic

  1. frozonic

    This Is What Firefox's Mobile OS Currently Looks Like

    randomizerMore competition is a good thing. you are right, but that competition has to be good in order to be a "real" competition... look at AMD, its no competition for Intel
  2. frozonic

    RIM CEO: We're Not in a Death Spiral

    Thats what they want us to belive....
  3. frozonic

    Apple's iOS 6 Has Already Been Jailbroken

    well, thats was easy! i will do this as soon as i get my hands on the iPhone 5! damn i cant wait!
  4. frozonic

    VIDEO: BlackBerry PlayBook Running iOS Apps

    RIM sucks, i have NEVER used a worst phone than a blackberry, it takes too much time to turn on, apps are almost non existant, the UI is ugly as hell. No doubt the playbook sucks.
  5. frozonic

    Acer Taking Pre-Orders for 10.1-inch Iconia Tab A700

    Cool! I just pre ordered one, this will be a great replacement for my old ipad
  6. frozonic

    Acer Taking Pre-Orders for 10.1-inch Iconia Tab A700

    Cool, i just pre ordered one, i think this will be a perfect replacement for my old ipad
  7. frozonic

    Xbox 360 Spring Update Starts Rolling Out

    meh, every time my son updated his xbox 360 in UI is slower
  8. frozonic

    Nokia USA Reveals Plans for PureView Windows Phone

    ossercYeah, why would anyone be excited to have the most impressive smartphone camera technology on the planet paired with arguably the best smartphone OS available? /sMaybe you guys just don't like taking pictures with your phone... well.. to be honest with you i dont like symbian, its good...
  9. frozonic

    Nokia USA Reveals Plans for PureView Windows Phone

    41 megapixels?? damn.... thats sick... and awesomee! lets hope they can keep the prices down and the camera lenses are good
  10. frozonic

    Rumor: Apple's iTV Making Debut at WWDC 2012

    they are going to be 3D capable right? if not i am not buying anything.
  11. frozonic

    Behold the Skyrim Alduin Cake: FUS RO CAKE!

    i want that cake for my birthday!!!
  12. frozonic

    Verizon Raising FiOS Speed With New Prices in June

    I see what you did there Tom.... "Tomshardware pirate approved"?? LOL
  13. frozonic

    Microsoft's Take-Down Link Requests Still Reside in Bing

    Damn, leave pirates alone, you are only going to make us angrier and we will pirate even more, if i buy a program (or any file) i can do whatever i want with it, and you can use any messure you want to stop us from using it ( serials, email confirmation,etc) but we will prevail and use our own...
  14. frozonic

    'Six Strikes' Anti-Piracy Scheme Delayed, Says CCI

    Damn, fuc**ng goverment!