Recent content by google-fiber

  1. G

    how to do that in c++ programming

    hello guys i figured out to open, but how do i close...
  2. G

    how to do that in c++ programming

    Thank u guys for trying to help but i found it by myself int main () { system ("start notepad.exe"); system ("start D:\download.jpg"); etc...
  3. G

    how to do that in c++ programming

    since the website is called toms hardware, i dont think i should be asking a programming question, but ill give it a try, im teaching myself c++, so can somebody teach me how to do this: int main() { cout << "type 1 or 2"; int x; cin x; if (x==1) { /* open notepad*/} if (x==2) {/* open paint...
  4. G

    exe is opening with notepad

    this my first question here, i opened cmd with notepad to see binary code, but now everytime i open something it opens with notepad, system restore does, and i tried regedid but nothing worked, what should i do