Recent content by greenspoon

  1. greenspoon

    Homeland Security Sends Out Bulletin on 3D-printer Guns

    This is a test. Have not been able to see comments for three days. Checking if posting fixes the issue. Please down-vote.
  2. greenspoon

    LulzSec Reborn Strikes Again, Leaks 10k Twitter Accounts

    sp0nger^Do you think corportations are going to start taking our privacy/information security seriously untill enough people are pissed off enough from being leaked? If you want your information secured be pissed off at the companys who dont do enough to secure it. there will always people...
  3. greenspoon

    VIDEO: A Walk-through of Nintendo's Wii U Controller

    Well, Nintendo changed the paradigm of game control more then once. Can they do it again? It looks interesting. And to all those that will just come in and say "It will still have terrible graphics," they are not targeting that audience, so don't bother.
  4. greenspoon

    This is What Happens After You Hit 'Send' On a Gmail Email

    Not only is it more about how green Google is, they also left out the part were they scan and catalog what is in your email so they can sell your information.
  5. greenspoon

    FTC Fining Google Millions Over Safari Breach

    clindmanGoogle was quickly become a terrible big business. Google has long been one of these "terrible big businesses." No one wanted to admit it though.
  6. greenspoon

    Googler Creates the KegDroid, An Android Beer Serving Keg

    This will most likely get down-voted quickly, but it is really sad to me that people think something like this is actually new worthy.
  7. greenspoon

    Infographic: The Internet is Ruining Your Brain

    Marco925All those hours spent on wikipedia are BAD for me? Well, as Michael Scott said, "You know wikipedia is accurate information because anyone can write anything they want." Or something like that.
  8. greenspoon

    Not Just iOS: Android Apps Can Secretly Copy, Upload Photos

    It is really funny to me how this is ok, since it is google. When this was Apple being accused of this it was terrible and underhanded.
  9. greenspoon

    WSJ: Safari Loophole Allowed Google to Track Users via Ads

    ap3xlol, are you serious? For the good of it's users on IOS devices? Am I the only one that finds it interesting that your so understanding for Google and then you go to the extreme when talking about Apple. I mean come on "hung until dead"? seriously? Ummm.... It is called sarcasm.
  10. greenspoon

    WSJ: Safari Loophole Allowed Google to Track Users via Ads

    Come on guys. Google was doing this for the good of its users. That is all. They were not out to make money, invade privacy, or anything else. They just wanted to provide a better experience for there users. Apple on the other hand. This was a deliberate mistake on their part and everyone...
  11. greenspoon

    Brace Yourself for a World Without Facebook

    Google+ is no better then facebook.
  12. greenspoon

    Study Claiming IE Users Are Dumb Just A Hoax

    AnomalyxThat alone is no reason to doubt it. 40% can always be expected to have below-average intelligence. In fact, about 50% can. That's the cool thing about using average intelligence as a benchmark - it gets lower over time, making me look like I'm getting smarter over time =P In fact, 80%...
  13. greenspoon

    Bon Jovi: Steve Jobs Killed Music Industry

    At least he is not blaming it on piracy.
  14. greenspoon

    AT&T May have Inflated iPhone Data Bills

    This is hilarious. I have an iPhone and do not use the data very much (about 50-100MB a month). I get several messages from ATT when I reach certain limits that tells me I am using so much data. I get one whenever I go over 30MB and then at set intervals from there. ATT does a lot to let...
  15. greenspoon

    NASA Launching Spacecraft Into the Sun

    Isn't it sad that multi-million does not sound like that much money anymore? Thanks Washington!