Recent content by greliu

  1. greliu

    The Next Particle Collider is Taking Shape

    These particle accelerators are used to determine what particles make up atoms and how we can distribute these particles into categories. The biggest promises with these particle accelerators is to find the higgs boson, the theoretical particle that gives everything the characteristic of mass...
  2. greliu

    Forrester Explains The Post-PC Era

    The fact is technology is always changing, and none of us really know what's going to happen to PCs. Personally, I could care less if the PC continued to exist as a stand alone tower. If other devices begin to develop that allow us to do the same things as our personal computers, that's a good...
  3. greliu

    Minecraft Creator Mulling Over MinecraftCon

    I can't believe people actually play this game....
  4. greliu

    Obama: I'm President; Where is My Cool Phone?

    Actually increasing taxes on the wealthy would be a good thing for the U.S. If i remember correctly, which I do, the wealthy in the United States back in the 50's and 60's payed much higher taxes than they do today. This tax money is what allowed the highways to be built and the remaining...
  5. greliu

    Epic's Mike Capps: Apps Are Killing Us

    Economy sucks, games aren't as good, and these games AREN'T eating into the console or pc market since these people are the new upcoming "casual" gamers that play a game while waiting to place an order or on a 15 min work break. I wish I could make money talking about this crap.
  6. greliu

    The Cost Of The Smart Grid: $476 Billion

    memadmax, you got some good points man. +1
  7. greliu

    The Cost Of The Smart Grid: $476 Billion

    476 billion in the large picture isn't very much. But, as far as payment, I'm with the associate. Companies should have to pay into this a little bit, because it seems lately (at least here in the States) in order for something to be update, no matter what it is, it should always be the...
  8. greliu

    iSteve: The Book of Jobs Arriving in 2012

    I'd happen to agree with vorador2, if one of my friends who owns apple products EVER comes up to me and compares jobs to Einstein and/or Franklin I'm going to flat out deck them in the face and hope I grant them the ability of some sense. LOL!
  9. greliu

    Metal Gear Solid Developer: Consoles Are Dying

    I really don't see cloud computing going anywhere anytime soon. To many challanges as xbeater is saying. Personally, I like having the control over my own hardware. Maybe in the VERY long-term outlook, cloud computing could go somewhere. I just don't see how it could anytime soon.
  10. greliu

    Xbox 360 Coffin is a Final Resting Place After RRoD

    HAHAH I just sent my 360 out for repair, I actually do hate the thing, but since its free, why not fix it. Wish I had the this box to ship it in, or burn it.
  11. greliu

    Climax: Hardcore Games on Wii Difficult to Make

    The Wii is a great system... but like he said, it's not for the hardcore gamer. And if you really want to game ... forget the xbox 360 and ps3 ... there just toys, get a PC :)
  12. greliu

    Study: Average Gamer is Overweight, Depressed

    This study seems like it was a waste of time.... besides, 60% of the U.S. population is overweight lol.
  13. greliu

    Left 4 Dead Fans Boycott Sequel

    You know, I just wanted to say something. What happened to the days of N64? What happened to gamers? Remember when a game would come out, and instead of trashing it or bitching, people were so happy. No, but now the moment a game is release people literal walk around levels and look for problems...
  14. greliu

    Left 4 Dead Fans Boycott Sequel

    First point, don't see why ANYONE would cry about $50 bucks. You go to dinner and a movie with your lady for about the same price, and that's just ONE night. Second, I will probably buy the game, I already have 80 hrs. on the first one, and only have 5 achivements left.... the first one was...
  15. greliu

    Dreamcasts Sold New at $99 Quickly Sell Out

    I do miss SEGA consoles. I know this might start something, but Sonic could kick Mario's ass anyday! :)