Recent content by HuurhunElec

  1. H

    When I upload a video to YouTube, the quality gets really bad.

    I see, YEP!! Much much better. You are the man! Also, when doing .mp4 the video looks darker than .avi, oh well. I am pretty sure I can figure that out on my own. Thank you very much!
  2. H

    When I upload a video to YouTube, the quality gets really bad.

    Just for clarifying when you say upsample to 3840x2160, is it the rendering settings that I'm setting it to UHD or the Video Properties? Also, there is Constant Bit Rate and Variable Bit Rate. Which one did you mean by "static bit rate"? Just so I don't have to ask you every step, I rendered it...
  3. H

    When I upload a video to YouTube, the quality gets really bad.

    1920x1080@60FPS 1. I record my video with Fraps and if you don't know Fraps, it records the video with highest possible quality and puts out really huge file when it's done. Because the length of my videos are each 15-18 seconds, it end up being within 1GB and that is fine with me as long as I...