Recent content by jesman1985

  1. jesman1985

    Apple Announces Apple TV, Three New iPods Designs, Social Network in iTunes

    the hipsters and yuppis everywhere should love this.. now they have new toys to show off while their sipping their java lattes and posing for the crowds..
  2. jesman1985

    Apple Patent Filing is About Tracking, ID'ing Users

    hackers have bypassed much more sophisticated security than this.. i dont think this will stop the phone from getting broke into.
  3. jesman1985

    VIDEO: Fighting Invisible Baddies on Xbox Kinect

    xbeaterOh yeah kicking and punching AIR all day long... ummm .. ya .. kicking and punching air WILL get you in great shape.. its called shadow boxing.. and like i said before.. it will get people ripped..
  4. jesman1985

    VIDEO: Fighting Invisible Baddies on Xbox Kinect

    i can see this getting people in GREAT shape.. i mean your kicking and punching all day.. youd get ripped!!
  5. jesman1985

    Chinese Director Filming 3D Porn for IMAX

    looks like 3d is hard up and running and ready to eject onto the movie screens :p
  6. jesman1985

    FLIP Ship Goes Vertical in Water, But Not to Sink

    only if the titanic had this "unique dual mode configuration".
  7. jesman1985

    Best Buy Threatens Priest's ''God Squad'' Car

    im trying to think of a comment to describe how STUPID best buy is for doing this.. but i cant think of anything that captures the emotion.. guess this comment will have to do..
  8. jesman1985

    10-year-old Caught Playing Dead On Street View

    lol XD this is awesome..
  9. jesman1985

    Solved! Need Laptop $700 - What's best for the price?

    just check out some of the laptops on newegg.. read the reviews.. or sort it by best rating.. price.. ect.. and is gonna have the best prices.. so dont worry about that.. and honestly if that all your trying to do.. no worries.. i think pretty much any laptop you get is going to be...
  10. jesman1985

    Screaming Teenage Girls are Faster Than a Segway

    i hope the segway was alright..