Recent content by JeTJL

  1. J

    Apple Suggests Dev Workaround for App Purchase Hack

    Android users can side load apks, and recently one company made one of their games free to play citing that people were pirating the game. Companies should get their DRM straight and unobtrusive, or not use it at all and just make all games free to play.
  2. J

    Another Nexus 7 Defect Appears, Affects Touch Screen

    besplatanFor my country (Serbia) Google not only doesn't sell the Nexus 7, they won't even sell me Google Play apps.So they can go to hell, on Monday I'm getting the new iPad as I literally don't have a choice any more. You can get the nexus 7 if you cross into the rest of Europe, or have some...
  3. J

    Android Exec Would Welcome a Partnership with RIM

    I have a feeling that Blackberry is going to end up like Palm, sold and then forgotten. Palm ended up being bought by HP, tried to make a new tablet and phone with their own proprietary software and ended up Open Sourced. Well, what I said is a possibility, Blackberry has a few cards to play...
  4. J

    The FAA Changed Rules for Google's Project Glass Stunt

    Now that is a segway for a product intro, not some stupid, "Oh... And One more thing..."
  5. J

    Googler Wants Error 451 for Government Censorship

    So Ironic, but it's way much better than the red fbi warning thing that looks like it was straight out of a vhs from the 1980s. Make it clean and simple.
  6. J

    Mod Brings Old-School Windows XP to Android

    Not appearing in market.
  7. J

    HTC Says Users Prefer Slim Phones Over Large Batteries

    Running a 1.5ghz overclock on my HTC sensation 4g with an Anker 1900 mah battery, which is the same size as the original 1560 mah battery that came with my phone, I'm running almost 15 hours a day. With tweaks of course and a different cpu governor. But I have not noticed any problems. Just...
  8. J

    Mobile Operators Want a Nokia Lumia 900 with Android

    It's Starting to look like WP7 is going the way of the DoDo bird. Shame... It's really good compared to Android and Apple, just that like Betamax it's not as widely received by many people. The only person I know that has a WP7 is my dad and everyone else I know uses either an Android or an...
  9. J

    Android 4.0 Coming to Sony's Xperia Handsets Soon

    I may not have a Sony handset, but I'm glad that some companies are pushing 4.0 updates to us.
  10. J

    Looking at the iPad's Retina Display Under a Microscope

    Is there going to be any comparison between the new retina display in the Ipad 3 and the newer IPS panels that are going into Asus Transormer Infinity or Lenovo Ideatab K2?
  11. J

    NASA Admits Stolen Laptop Contained Control Codes for ISS

    So apple lost 2 iphone prototypes, and Nasa lost 48 laptops within the previous years. Nasa is failing hard :P
  12. J

    Google Planning to Offer 'Smart Glasses' By End Of 2012

    Hope they have prescriptions.
  13. J

    Microsoft Launches 'Smoked by Windows Phone' Campaign

    I've got to say WP7 is a great os, for regular people. My dad's enjoying his HTC HD7 quite well and it was one of the first Window 7 phones available. But I bet most of us here have rooted and modded our Android phones and already heavily invested in the platform due to the things that Android...
  14. J

    VIDEO: Borderlands 2 Gets Release Date and Trailer

    nebunpeople actually play this excuse of a game? what's up with the graphics? Its called Cell Shading , Like in the Legends of Zelda: Wind Waker. It's a art style, where things don't have to look realistic. You don't have to see every single detail in the environment to play a game. And from...
  15. J

    Best Buy, Future Shop Accidentally Sold Fake iPad 2s in Canada

    Didn't Newegg accidentally sell fake core i7 processors a while ago? It wasn't Newegg's fault or Future Shop's fault that this happened. It's their supplier who gave them these fakes.