Recent content by jl0329

  1. J

    Apple Tax: Apple Watch Costs Just $84 to Make

    Does the $84 include all the overhead, the marketing and oh, the R&D expense? If the answer is yes, I am going all in on Apple's stock.
  2. J

    Gold Apple Watch, Like All Jewelry, is a Rip-Off

    People don't realize a lot of rich people don't buy luxury things for its value. Some people don't buy a luxury watches (btw, $17000 is nothing when it comes to luxury watches) because it will go up in value as an investment. They buy them just simply because they CAN. I call them the "screw...
  3. J

    New Apple Patent Could Make iPhones Drop-Proof

    This is exactly why the iPhone is THE BEST smartphone on Earth. Take it you non-believers!
  4. J

    What the PS4 Can and Can't Do

    No media server?... How much does it cost to add that feature? Not that I care since I have Roku3, but I just don't understand why they removed that feature. Isn't their Slogan - "It only does everything"?
  5. J

    What the PS4 Can and Can't Do

    No media server?... How much does it cost to add that feature? Not that I care since I have Roku3, but I just don't understand why they removed that feature. Isn't their Slogan - "It only does everything"?
  6. J

    Watch the Most-Pirated Movies (legally): Oct. 2013

    Wait, these movies are on Netflix? I have Netflix but I couldn't find them.
  7. J

    What Does Apple Have Planned for TV?

    Only reason for cord is for live sports.
  8. J

    iPhone Map App Steers Users Across Airport Runway

    This piece of *** article made the front page? REALLY?
  9. J

    Your Privacy Is Not Our Responsibility, Says Verizon Exec

    You all sounded like the carriers have a choice. It's the fucking US gov. They can tomhawk you if they want.
  10. J

    'Grand Theft Auto V': Putting Blockbuster Sales in Perspective

    Is MMO not video game? Just because it's on a different platform it's not valid? Then by your logic, COD is a multiplayer shooter, why compare it with GTA? Why compare them to SIMS?
  11. J

    Grand Theft Auto V Shipped Prematurely by Amazon

    The torrent (for both xbox and ps3) leaked like a week ago, there are plenty of people already beaten the game last week. Also, there is no magic about the release date, it's usually just the soonest date they can manage to have all their retailers ready to sell the product.
  12. J

    Why the iPhone 5S Won't Revolutionize Mobile Gaming

    Trust me when I say it will revolutionize mobile gaming. Trust me when I say it won't revolutionize mobile gaming. Now, who do you trust?
  13. J

    6 Things You Might Not Know About Cord-Cutting

    You gave some great reasons for not cutting the cord. However, I cut my cord 2 years ago, and didn't miss a thing. The only time we watch TV is during dinner, and Netflix > cable for that purpose.
  14. J

    Why Hackers Target Your Smartphone

    If you never check your email on your phone these days, 1) you don't have a job. 2) you are 90+ years old.
  15. J

    Mobile Lost & Found: Where Do Most People Lose Their Phones

    It's amazing that we need study to learn it's more likely to lose your phone in a bar. Common sense can be useful.