Recent content by Jlg823

  1. Jlg823

    Headphones for big ears

  2. Jlg823

    Headphones for big ears

    For reference, my ears are too big for the ATH-30x. For example, my Logitech G430 Headphones just broke so I'm looking for well built headphones. Please try to stay under $100. Also I'd like them to be over-ear closed back headphones.
  3. Jlg823

    Durable Earbuds w/ Noise Isolation?

    Looking for some below $100 ear buds which are durable. Ive been using Sony Bass Boosted earbuds and they just broke on me again. Any recommendations?
  4. Jlg823

    Camera Under $600 1080p/60fps

    I was looking for a camera that's under $600 and can record 1080p 60fps. I saw the Nikon D3200 and I wasn't sure if it could do 60fps. Would be nice to know and see other people's suggestions. I'm new to photography and digital camera's however I will be using a camera for vlogs and photography.
  5. Jlg823

    Headphones under $100

    The issue i've found is that my ears are big. Now i dont know how much cushion the ATH-50x have but I bought and RETURNED the ATH-30x because of this. My ear was hurting all the time. Not enough cushioning to keep my ear from touching the hard inside.
  6. Jlg823

    Headphones under $100

    My ears are pretty big and I like closed back headphones which have audio balance (in other words the bass isn't INSANE). I'm looking for something under $100. I tried the ATH-30x's and the issue is, my big ear hits the inside of the headphones and it HURTS. So I'm looking for some with a lot of...
  7. Jlg823

    Disable Surround Sound 7.1 in certain applications

    Can you disable Surround Sound 7.1 in certain applications so that I can listen to my friends on Skype with Surround Sound but play League of Legends without surround sound. because if surround sound is enabled i can only hear out of 1 ear.
  8. Jlg823

    Sony Vegas Pro 13.0 Rendering AMD FX 6300vsRadeon 7790 OPENCL

    Which is better to render with. My cpu as listed in the little or the OpenCL on my graphics card?