Headphones for big ears


Dec 26, 2013
For reference, my ears are too big for the ATH-30x. For example, my Logitech G430 Headphones just broke so I'm looking for well built headphones. Please try to stay under $100. Also I'd like them to be over-ear closed back headphones.
the m30x has not just small earcups (like the m50) but very shallow ones as well. its not for people with ears any bigger than average.

the ad500x (or a500x closed) are bass light headphones and are well known for huge earcups and great comfort even for people with glasses. the headband design is either a love it or hate it design though. either feels light as air or is annoying depending on the person.

hd518 is open but has cups a little bigger than the m30

if you are okay with going over budget the dt770 is a stellar headphone with large earcups, closed design, nice v-shaped energetic sound signature. likewise the dt990 open is excellent. both are on sale. you might need an amp for the dt990 and i would suggest one for the dt770...
I just bought the Xiberia E1 and they are comfy. I am a big guy over 6 feet, my ears are big. they are light, have huge soft earpads and the Mic is worth the price alone. the E1 is USB only but if the rest of the Xiberia Line is anywhere near the same size they will fit.

is there any without a microphone? I've got a standalone mic.
"For reference, my ears are too big for the ATH-30x."

I know just what you mean. Some gaming headset users may not agree, but here's what I'd recommend. First, avoid gaming headphones altogether. Some say there are some decent gaming headsets. I've tried HyperXCould2, and while maybe better than most, still cant recommend them.

You can get far more value for your money if you get a quality (not necessarily expensive) pair of headphones, and attach your own mic to them. Scroll down a tiny bit here and you'll see an excellent example http://lifehacker.com/how-to-turn-your-favorite-pair-of-headphones-into-a-hea-1520291511

A vid that gives ideas on DIY low price gaming headsets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fD-M1F6L4g
For higher end sets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgTnJ3JQQ0E

For the price, here's some decent over ear, comfortable, quality headphones for bigger ears, within the limit you stated... http://www.audio-technica.com/cms/headphones/591d1ba45202f375/ or, for a bit more, maybe these http://www.cnet.com/products/sennheiser-hd-598/

This is an attachable mic, for like $8, $9 if you want an audiosplitter, or extension cable: Zalman Zm-Mic1 High Sensitivity Headphone Microphone. There are other attachable mics for a tad more. Of course, the best bet would be the latest version of the Modmic. http://www.modmic.com/ They offer some good headphones as well.

Here's what some reddit users have to say on the subject https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/3gxi14/gamingpc_headsets_for_people_with_big_ears/
the m30x has not just small earcups (like the m50) but very shallow ones as well. its not for people with ears any bigger than average.

the ad500x (or a500x closed) are bass light headphones and are well known for huge earcups and great comfort even for people with glasses. the headband design is either a love it or hate it design though. either feels light as air or is annoying depending on the person.

hd518 is open but has cups a little bigger than the m30

if you are okay with going over budget the dt770 is a stellar headphone with large earcups, closed design, nice v-shaped energetic sound signature. likewise the dt990 open is excellent. both are on sale. you might need an amp for the dt990 and i would suggest one for the dt770 though if your onboard or soundcard is good they should work fine.

the hyper x cloud is based on the takstar pro 80 headphone which is also the gemini hsr-1000. its a budget headphone but well respect in its price range. i would consider it a step above regular headsets.

also, headsets like the adg1 are based on the ad500x/ad700x, the game one based on the hd518/hd558 and the mmx300 based on an old dt770 premium. some gaming headsets are made with the same quality components and designs of well recommended headphones but i agree they are the minority and agree most gaming headests are junk.

Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I'd looked at those BD models and others from time to time also, going to try and see if I cant spot that sale you mentioned actually lol.