Recent content by kenyee

  1. K

    NSA Head Grilled on Capitol Hill as Senators Hint at More Revelations

    Does it really matter if Obama added the "oversight committee" he promised, but then made the committee proceedings secret and the members part of the problem instead of independent 3rd parties who might actually care about the Constitution? :-P That's like saying Obamacare will lower health...
  2. K

    America Not As Paranoid As Online Privacy Survey Suggests

    How would they know America isn't paranoid after all the NSA stuff? What makes you think a paranoid person would give a survey truthful answers? ;-)
  3. K

    Qualcomm Working on Toq Android Smartwatch

    Bluetooth 4 LE? Ant+? How can you not have support for these heart rate monitor standards? :-P
  4. K

    How 3D Printing Will Save You Money

    And how exactly would you design the stuff you need? Unless it's common stuff that everyone wants and someone puts up a 3D design file that is be easily downloaded, you have to spend your own time designing your own 3D objects...
  5. K

    Obama Announces NSA Spying Reforms

    "Given the history of abuse by governments..." And yes, that's why everyone thinks politicians speak w/ forked tongues :-P The history of politicians stomping on the Bill of Rights started w/ the 2nd Amendment, which was my early warning system...they did it w/ impugnity because people hated...
  6. K

    First 3D-printed Rifle Gets Hand Fired in New Video

    "develop a crack"?? LOL. Sounds safe and utterly reliable :-)
  7. K

    Samsung Acquires Boxee For Around $300 Million

    err..title is wrong....extra zero....
  8. K

    Apple Patents: Mobile Fingerprint Scanner

    Isn't "structurally merging the sensor die into the bezel of the device" and obvious thing to do? It's like saying "let's put a door lock on the surface of the door so it doesn't stick out" :-P
  9. K

    Here's a Gun Printed with a Consumer-level 3D Printer

    lol...I want to see it blow up after the Nth round...
  10. K

    World's First 3D-printed Gun Fired for First Time on Video

    Wow...Jane actually found the real article this time instead of linking to all the old stuff :-) But no mention of accuracy? No mention of how many times it can fire before blowing up or melting? Jane still needs to do more homework... :-P
  11. K

    Defense Distributed Prints a Working Gun Using a 3D Printer

    So after wasting 10min watching the youtube video, my conclusion is that Tom's Hardware's DUMB Jane McEntegart still isn't technical enough to figure out that it's just the stupid lower receiver that the stupid BATF defines as "gun" when it's just a part of it. Does anyone have a real reference...
  12. K

    BlackBerry Creative Director Caught Tweeting from iPhone

    LOL. I vote fire her. MegaFAIL :-)
  13. K

    Town in Massachusetts Holding Drive to Reward Children for Returning Violent Ent

    Funny how all the liberal states/cities are trying to one up each other: NYC w/ their "stricter gun laws" (like that would have stopped any of the shootings), and MA w/ their violent games kick. It's always been a mental health issue and psychotropic issue...a good number of mass shootings...
  14. K

    Android Performance Tips & Apps

    AnonymousSo yeah, please stop assuming you need cleaners, advanced task managers, tweakers, rooting, and all sorts of other stuff so you can delude yourself into thinking you are "improving your phones performance.". Depends on the phone...for the newer ones w/ enough memory, I'd agree with...
  15. K

    Google May Be Selling Nexus 7 At a Loss

    Google has said they're not looking to profit from the Nexus 7 already. It's really meant to jump start the moribund Android tablet market...both developers and users. Amazon's Kindle is running ancient 2.x and Google really wants devs to use 4.x. Apples doesn't make much from their iPad...