Recent content by LightningStriker

  1. LightningStriker

    Best headset for FPS gaming with a budget of $110

    Recently, my Turtle Beach X12 broke and I have been looking to buy a headset ever since than. My budget is 110 dollars, basically im looking for a headset that has good audio (preferably 7.1) and a mic (and again a good mic). I was thinking of a Razer Kraken 7.1 but I came here for more options...
  2. LightningStriker

    Which graphics card

    Whats your budget?
  3. LightningStriker

    minecraft is v-sync auto turned on

    Best solution is to get optifine, will help you alot. Optifine Download Link : Hope i helped. P.S if you don't know how to install optifine, just look on youtube.
  4. LightningStriker

    problem connecting laptop to tv using hdmi

    Well if you have a VGA cable try that.
  5. LightningStriker

    Found Disabled Iphone 5 on the ground

    I found the owner of the phone, turns out he didnt realy want it anymore and gave it to his daughter and she had lost it so everything is fine now :).
  6. LightningStriker

    Found Disabled Iphone 5 on the ground

    I mean i could restore it and keep it but id rather give it to charity than keep it for myself :/
  7. LightningStriker

    Found Disabled Iphone 5 on the ground

    Title says it all found an iphone 5 on the floor which is disabled don't know what to do with it :/. I found the iphone owners name after i plugged the iphone inside my laptop and itunes had owners name but i have no one who knows him. Soooo what should i do at this point?
  8. LightningStriker

    My Laptop keyboard is typing the wrong characters.

    This might have been caused by changing your language. On the taskbar right next to the time it should show your language set it to ENG INTL.
  9. LightningStriker

    Origin Game Problem

    Ok EA said that they are working on it. For the past 4 days any1 who bought a game on origin couldn't activate it so thats why.
  10. LightningStriker

    Origin Game Problem

    Ok so there was the On the House event in Origin where bf3 and plants vs zombie was free. Now i downloaded them both but they wont work, its asking me for a product key even though i don't have 1. What should i do?
  11. LightningStriker

    Suggest your tablet games here!

    Deer Hunter 2014 best game hunting game on the tab :D
  12. LightningStriker

    Need help with my new tv

    Its either the movie that your watching or the tv itself. If its the tv itself there should be some settings for it such at dynamic,movie,bright,etc.
  13. LightningStriker

    hi I want kbow my mobile number. my mobile name is blackberry. but I want know my my sim card number

    Well what you can do is go back to where you bought the sims card and ask or you can try calling someone you know.
  14. LightningStriker

    keyboard continuosly beeping

    what type of keyboard is it?