Recent content by lindethier

  1. lindethier

    T-Mobile "Jump" Allows Upgrades Every Six Months

    I'm switching to T-Mobile at the end of the year when my contract is up. I'll be saving about $50 a month on a new plan for my wife and I. The service I have in my area just isn't that good, so I don't see why I should bother paying more.
  2. lindethier

    Wi-Fi Industry Retaliates Against FCC's Super Wi-Fi Network

    I just look at the cost of rolling this out and wonder if that would be best, considering the insane amount of debt the government is currently in. As others have said, it could lead to some more interesting connectivity between devices, but the cost would still be insane. Nothing is free.
  3. lindethier

    Anon Takes Down Government Site Over Aaron Swartz's Death

    I generally hate Anonymous and the crap that happens when some jerk goes on a hacking spree and releases peoples' private information onto the internet (I know that this guy didn't release any private information, I just hate people that do). However this case definitely is one where the...