Recent content by Locoawesome

  1. L

    Can I delete my GPU if it's dead

    It's an acer laptop.
  2. L

    Can I delete my GPU if it's dead

    My computer is fine now, I started it up then ran CHKDSK now it's faster. But during CHKDSK it came up with many "File unreadable" errors. But earlier I was doing a disk defragment but it froze so I held the power button, that may have done it.
  3. L

    Can I delete my GPU if it's dead

    My laptop overheated and since then it's been really slow, so I've been told it was from my gpu being dead which is making my CPU bot as good. I'm going to uninstall all of my GPU stuff, but will that damage anything. Maybe something is important that i should keep? I have a nvidia GeForce 520m...
  4. L

    Laptop is really slow

    Thanks for the help but when my comp overheated I think it may have damaged the GPU which affected the motherboard which caused the CPU to slow down.
  5. L

    Laptop is really slow

    Hey, my laptop is becoming really slow. I posted another thread on here about my computer getting bsod, but it turns out it was overheated. Now it's really slow, sometimes when I turn it off it won't even turn off, just sit there witht the windows loading circle next to cursor. Please tell me...