Recent content by MadHacker

  1. MadHacker

    Robot Garbage Man Only Comes When Called

    love to see these robots work in a foot or 2 of snow.
  2. MadHacker

    Partnership Between and eBay Raises Concerns Among Sellers

    "...It’s just so unfair." Umm... Life is unfair... Who sais it has to be fair?
  3. MadHacker

    Keyboard "Five Times Filthier Than Toilet Seat"

    I wash mine with Hot water... i just find that over time the keys get stiff... so then complete disassembly is needed and each key is greased with silicon.
  4. MadHacker

    Keyboard "Five Times Filthier Than Toilet Seat"

    Perhaps TomsHardware should do an article on the proper way to clean a keyboard.
  5. MadHacker

    Data Centers To Surpass Airlines As Polluters

    The greenhouse gas pollution is only created by the way the power is generated. if all the power was generated by wind power to run a data center... would it still be greenhouse gas polluter?