Recent content by mazout360

  1. M

    Motorola Droid Maxx Vs. Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs. Samsung Galaxy Nexus

    As a developer, I would recommend a Galaxy S4 at the moment. The main issue with android phones is the lack of updates/support after some years, but development for this model is very intensive (the S4 and Nexus will receive the android 4.4 update). Furthermore, it's very powerful and will run...
  2. M

    Laptop that looks like a Macbook pro??

    ASUS Vivobooks all the way. Same aluminum casing, and they're touchscreen! MacBooks are overrated and expensive.
  3. M

    I have Samsung S4 but I cant play most games I like ie Farmville2 etc. I downloaded several different flash players but they'

    Is your phone rooted/modified ? Try downloading Adobe AIR and retry your games in the Chrome Browser
  4. M

    Moto X vs Iphone 5s

    The greatest advantage of android devices is the fact that everything on it is Open Source, meaning that when the device gets outdated or the provider stops updating it, you could still find unofficial updates/fixes from users all around the world. Nowadays, android devices are very powerful and...
  5. M

    Cannot turn on my phone

    Very hard to tell...trying another USB cable to charge your device or changing the battery are the first two things that you should try.
  6. M

    screen freezes while i'm making call

    That's likely a problem with the light sensor. Make sure that there's nothing obstructing it. A quick workaround for this would be to go to Settings -> Call Settings and there's an option here to keep the screen on during calls. Also, depending on your android version, there's usually an option...
  7. M

    Galaxy i9505 flash damage control! In dire need of help!

    Here's a tutorial on how to install a custom recovery : Of course you need to restore the bootloader before, if your device doesn't boot at all. Can odin detect the device ?
  8. M

    Galaxy i9505 flash damage control! In dire need of help!

    I think you can find everything you need there : Go back to stock and if you don't want to make mistakes you could try flashing using a custom recovery, which is usually safer :p
  9. M

    intetnet connection through usb in android

    If you have Android >2.2, go to settings -> wireless & networks -> Internet tethering -> Wi-Fi access point, there's an option to share wifi/3G/4G/LTE through USB.
  10. M

    How can I connect to my android device is it is powered off?

    The kernel needs to be working if you want to connect your device to the computer. Why can't it be turned on ? The only way to access the internal storage from a dead phone that I know of would be to open it and use specialized tools to connect directly to the flash memory chip, which is a...
  11. M

    Looking into Android Tablets, Up to $150

    The galaxy tab II 7" often sells around 130-140$ and is a very good tablet for the price. Reliable, fast, highly customizable, reasonable battery life and Samsung offers very good Android products and keeps them updated (well..most of them...). See
  12. M

    Android Os on HDX?

    The OS on the kindle HDX is based on android, so yes it's theoretically possible. To install a pure android build on it, though, you would need either 1) A precompiled android OS built for your device or 2) The source code for it's kernel. If the kernel source code is indeed available, then you...
  13. M

    locked on android screen

    Did you install any app prior to the bug ? Is your tablet rooted ? Did you change the android OS ? Do you see a moving animation or the image stands still ? If you did not change anything, you can try this...I don't know if it'll work with your device, as I don't know that model, but if nothing...