Looking into Android Tablets, Up to $150


Oct 23, 2013
So apparently my parents are looking into getting an Android Tablet for their kids (1 for each of them) for Christmas, and I'm currently looking into what kind of tablets are on the market at the moment. We tend to travel alot, so it'd be nice if we could give them something to play games on, listen to music, and watch movies on.

Unfortunately, I'm not that market-savvy with tablets (I only own a Acer A210 myself...), so I was wondering if anyone knew of any good deals? As I said, the max we're willing to spend is $150 for each kid, preferably one of those 7" inch tablets or whatever small version it is.
The galaxy tab II 7" often sells around 130-140$ and is a very good tablet for the price. Reliable, fast, highly customizable, reasonable battery life and Samsung offers very good Android products and keeps them updated (well..most of them...). See http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-tab-2 for more info. One thing is sure, stay away from unknown companies selling tablets under 100$.
The galaxy tab II 7" often sells around 130-140$ and is a very good tablet for the price. Reliable, fast, highly customizable, reasonable battery life and Samsung offers very good Android products and keeps them updated (well..most of them...). See http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-tab-2 for more info. One thing is sure, stay away from unknown companies selling tablets under 100$.
I don't know if there is any wiggle room in the price, but the Nexus 7 is absolutely the best Android tablet for the money IMO. You can get one right now for $180.

im the kind of person that believes the younger generation should already start messing around with roms, rooting, jailbreaking, installing 3rd party firmwares onto routers etc.

you forget to mention what age "the" kids are...

given that they are bellow 13, and you want to trigger them into the world of customizing or given them an incentive to pick up some Chinese, i would definitely go for a generic Chinese tablet. my 10 year old nephew has one, tested it out, works fine, apks install alright, net borowing is regular, batter lifetime is just, gyroscope doesnt work that great with all the apps, pdf and other book readers work great..considering the risk they will break it or lose, this is definitely my recommendation to you.

if they are between 13-18 and somewhat responsible with their belongings, i would not repeat this enough to you, get 2nd hand 1st gen ipad minis. in terms of durability, quality, networking, productivity, and educational purposes this is the best investment you can make for shaping futuristic kids. i use my ipad as dual monitor for my pc, conbine with my ipad mine to play music, garageband or korg, play chess/sudoku/brain games alone or with friends. bluetooth monopoly, scrabble...

the something in between option..ipod touches. dont worry about not learning some Chinese, sites like 25pp will give you access to tons of apps that they can test with out jailbreaking before you consider purchasing them.

i dont have android but the reason i dont advocate it because ive used it, and the os is slower compared to ios. tons of apps but the paid ios apps seem to me really more efficient and these machines are really well built.

however, keep in my mind what your goal and intention is by introducing such devices to "the" kids.
I think samsung is a good choice