Recent content by mi1400

  1. M

    Panasonic Battery Could Power House for 1 Week

    Please dont talk in japanese or african home. talk in KiloWatts 2000$ 20-kilowatt-hours battery powering a house for full day.
  2. M

    Windows Mobile 7 to Arrive Late Next Year The Android platform does not support animated .gif files at this time. It only shows the first frame. Android uses Linux as its kernel,[79] but according to Google, it is not a conventional Linux distribution; it...
  3. M

    FBI Not Digging Facial Recognition Technologies

    And they say its not mature... This guy had 10 IDs and no system could detect but an updated facial software caught when 11th time other systems were beaten.,news-4509.html "CBS2 said that Helms was finally caught when he...
  4. M

    Microsoft: Our Websites Are ''Horrific''

    worst site is oracle's metalink. if u put more than one word in search u wont get anything.
  5. M

    Report: MMS Coming to iPhone From Telia

    "Currently, iPhone users wishing to snap a picture and send it off to their friends can only do so via email – which requires using data." Just that !?! ... how about u r in phonebook of people having any phone minus iPhone. He will send an MMS u never recieved he never asked whther u recieved...
  6. M

    TG Daily: First recorded Mac OS X worm meets a well-prepared

    Man please stop copy pasting the lame crap from inernet's Mac-World and illuding ur own self. You all ready wrote over lengthy meaningless stuff in urlast port. You talk about MAC leading rather missleading.. aeh... in 25+ years Mac couldnt develop its Office software still feeding on MS-Office...
  7. M

    TG Daily: First recorded Mac OS X worm meets a well-prepared

    Dear Pwnage, i agree with you and M$ will keep cheating for ever.. does that pleased.... but dilema is why the "pioneers" are crying fowl when they are left behind. XBOX is cheated version of PS, WindowsCE is perhaps of Symbian, Billgates car whells are cheated from the person who invented...
  8. M

    TG Daily: First recorded Mac OS X worm meets a well-prepared

    Very grateful, pgstormblade ... Tomorow i was also wondering about Mac/Steve Jobs' confusion what to call this threat. there are two points hidden in this confusion 1. The frustruation/rhetoric Mac has with Windows/Bill gates of just-not-to-follow or learn, take good free advice from them. 2...
  9. M

    TG Daily: First recorded Mac OS X worm meets a well-prepared

    CORRECTION (added word "NOT" in last para): Admin please delete the earlier post. Thanks. --------------------- I believe, to classify this whether to virus, trojan, worm.... the very easy out of this is to compare its characteristics with the viruses, Trojans and Worms for Windows... which...
  10. M

    TG Daily: First recorded Mac OS X worm meets a well-prepared

    I believe, to classify this whether to virus, trojan, worm.... the very easy out of this is to compare its characteristics with the viruses, Trojans and Worms for Windows... which category in characteristics most satisfies be awarded to this Mac threat. Calling it Malware will be like just...