FBI Not Digging Facial Recognition Technologies

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They are lying. The nano-cams in my Tim Horton's cup lid have already ID'd me as an addict. I will be one of the first culled. Viva la Technologie.
As typical of our corrupt government looking for yet another helpless citizen to throw in to the prison industrial complex. REX-84 cough FEMA camps cough weez and sneezes.
Perhaps the FBI wont be utilizing this technology, but that doesn't mean that the NSA or CIA aren't.

*and rofl@ JofaMang's comment!*
said that other forms of prints, such as palmprints and footprints, could be the next level of identification after fingerprints.

Ewwww footprints......whoever has to take footprints....wow, what a smelly job.
the fbi just wants us to put our guards down before springing on the criminals like a wild cougar. Just you wait and see
If you think about it.. without the "hype" and hopes for how ool facial recognition would be, can you think of a couple of silly lil tricky and CHEAP ways to override facial recognition? How easy to have a picture of that person and create a replica with only the basic features, that matter on the system , more detailed...?
we held up a picture of a co-worker to his laptop and it let us in. He was so mad, considering he'd just got it and was really enjoying his bragging rights.
Pshh the FBI makes all the statements and all the public releases. But the CIA does everything that they don't announce through the FBI ^_^

/half serious

Oh and what is this article on the side titled "Identity Thief Caught By Facial Recognition" - 08/26? ....Can't help but wonder XD
Nah. I don't think this is true.

Facial recognition as a positive ID abandoned? Perhaps.

Facial recognition to use with traffic cams/photos on the Internet to try and find someone? Hell no, I doubt they're abandoning that.
without CCTV everywhere facial recongition is kinda pointless. retina scans are the best way compile ID databases. the retina has 1000 times more unique info than a fingerprint. and it can be done without physical contact, or dirty fingertips. facial recognition will still be developed for camera surveillance, obviously that will still hold some interest for the FBI.
I would imagine it's quite easy to thwart a facial scanner with prosthetics and/or make up. Or how about getting a shiner on Sunday night at the bar, then being unable to log in at work the next day! d'oh!
And they say its not mature...
This guy had 10 IDs and no system could detect but an updated facial software caught when 11th time other systems were beaten.
"CBS2 said that Helms was finally caught when he entered the Hobert License Branch to acquire his 11th ID on August 14th. Helms provided all the necessary documents to prove his (fake) identity, and even sat down to take the photo. What Helms didn't anticipate was that the photo went into the BMV's new face recognition software. Unaware that he had been discovered, Helms left the building with his new ID."
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