Recent content by nawabkhan_u

  1. N

    max payne 3

    when everbody sleeping,i also have to sleep. Pls tell me, that scenes are during gameplay or that is a cut scene(so i can skip that)?
  2. N

    max payne 3

    Recently i got max payne 3 i want to play the single player campaign. but my friend said that "Nudity was seen in a scene in a strip club/bar" if anyone played that game can tell me is that scene cut scene or during the gameplay? how to avoid that scene? iam asking this question...
  3. N

    Solved! pc game controllers

    95 percent of pc gamers prefers either xbox controller or ps4 controllers to play windows games. there are lot of good brands like logitech,red gears which makes some good pc controllers. why people prefer microsoft,sony brand controllers over this cheap but good controllers from logitech? what...
  4. N

    mobile vr or pc vr

    I know that dektop vr is more immersive and tracking is more more better than the mobile vr. I didnt tried any vr headset yet.i dont know how vr look like. so iam thinking to purchase a daydream view headset. why iam choosing daydream view headset because i wear contact lenses and i have the...
  5. N

    Virtual reality world walking

    htc uses the room scale tracking. then what about the oculus santacruz prototype and mixed reality headsets? it uses inside out tracking. that can overtake the limitations of room scale tracking or not?
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    Virtual reality world walking

    cryoburner That means currently no vr games or vr motion tracking technology allows players walking around the vr world freely using their physical body?
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    Virtual reality world walking

    MERGED QUESTION Question from nawabkhan_u : "PC gaming vr" I didn't haven't tried any vr headset I am asking this question.In vr games how to walk front/back and right/left. Is this uses our full body motion tracking or just by using controller. Most of the gameplay I watched on YouTube...
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    Virtual reality world walking

    I didn't tried any vr headset I am asking this question.In vr games how to walk front/back and right/left. Is this uses our full body motion tracking or just by using controller. Most of the gameplay I watched on YouTube using HTC and oculus vr headset the people just standing still while...
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    HTC vive and monitor

    MERGED QUESTION Question from nawabkhan_u : "Vive and monitor" Iam new to vr I have some doubt. I have gaming pc with gtx 1070.the monitor and HTC vive is connected to the two HDMI ports of my gtx 1070. That means the GPU running both displays at the same time. if gtx 1070 runs the...
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    HTC vive and monitor

    Iam new to vr I have some doubt. I have gaming pc with gtx 1070.the monitor and HTC vive is connected to the two HDMI ports of my gtx1070. That means the GPU running both displays at the same time. if gtx 1070 runs the game at 90 fps then the 45 fps delivers to the monitor connected...
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    pc gaming with vr headset

    my intention for vr headset only to use it for theatre mode.not for 3d gaming.i want to play any windows games(not steam games.i dont want to play steam games) in a large giant screen in 2d.i dont want any 3d per your answer " like the Steam VR gaming Apartment thing" but not for...
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    pc gaming with vr headset

    what will be the effect on frame rate when i turnoff the monitor after starting the gameplay? so gpu only running the vr headset,so i get full gpu power only to my vr i right?
  13. N

    pc gaming with vr headset

    i want to purchase pc vr headset for iam here to clarify something about vr. while playing pc games with vr headset this will reduce frame rate of gaming? i meant that if graphics card have two hdmi port and one port is connected to that time i got 60 fps in game.if i...
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    laptop vent cleaning

    I want to clean my laptop vent and I need your help to choose the way to clean the blower or compressed air can which is best for laptop vent? Can you provide the link of either the blower or compressed air can from (not from
  15. N

    gaming in smartphone

    Hello, I want to know that the continous gaming on smartphone will damage the touchscreen? Iam a hardcore gamer.Iam using samsung galaxy s4 with ps3 controller.I have played lot of action and racing games on my phone. Will it affect the sensitivity of touch screen?