Recent content by Nexus21

  1. N

    Solved! Damaged LCD screen

    Earlier today a small metal projectile flew through the air and struck the screen of my 32" LCD flatscreen television, creating a nick in the screen that leaves a noticeable white dot that can be seen even from across the room. The damage is not severe but is extremely obnoxious. Everything...
  2. N


    Maybe I didn't describe this very well. Let me try again. The window itself is closed, but the blinds are open which lets in the heat and light. It's the heat and light I'm concerned about.
  3. N


    In my dorm we have a window that sits right above a table on top of which is my flat screen television. The screen faces away from the window, but the television itself is directly in front of the window and the back of it receives direct sunlight and whatever heat may come through. This may...