Recent content by nun

  1. nun

    Opera CEO Says We Don't Need Silly Flash

    hmmm idk if I want to believe "Lie"
  2. nun

    Gears of War 3 Announced Accidentally on Live

    really april 2011. I cant wait another year damnit give me muh gears
  3. nun

    Teenager Gets 15 Years for Facebook Sex Scam

    If he was trying to "coerce" me into sex i would go over there beat the shit out of him break his computer, tell his mom, then beat the shit out of him again. excuse my french
  4. nun

    Walmart Shopper Smashes 29 TVs With a Bat

    lol thats when the customers proceed to the sporting goods section grab a rifle aim shoot
  5. nun

    Seeking The Home Of The Future

    damn sneaking in and out will be hard in the future
  6. nun

    Microsoft: There's No Need for a New Xbox Yet

    if we re still gaming on the xbox 360 in 2014 then a lot more people will be going to pc gamming
  7. nun

    EA: Single-Player A Thing of the Past

    ok multiplayer is the shit, you guys apparently don't have any friends.
  8. nun

    Yahoo Officially Lands on China's Porn List

    one word to define china: 1984
  9. nun

    iPhone Tethering on AT&T Still Unavailable

    you can get it if you download a carrier profile of some website i forget what website though
  10. nun

    Illicit Downloaders Repent with Piracy Payback

    wtf why would we give money to these corporate scumbags why not just donate to a greater cause like the kids in africa that go hungury though the money probably never gets there anyway
  11. nun

    Japanese Business Suit Repels Swine Flu, Germs

    cool but can it run crysis... anyway got that out of the way. The price is actually pretty good.
  12. nun

    AMD Pehnom II X3 800.04MHZ ?

    you probably have the cool n quiet feature running disable it in the bios