How to Transfer Contact from iPhone to Computer?
Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact can provide you:
- Backup contacts on iPhone memory to a file.
- Export two types of file format (Antc file, Text file).
- Backup iPhone Contact’s Photos.
- Export full screen of iPhone contact’s Photos.
- View Contacts in Text file format (.txt) or ANTC file format (.antc) on PC.
- Password protection support (ANTC file only
you see,your important messages will be backuped so easily.
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Step 1: Download Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact free trial versionhere, then install the software (skip if done yet).
Step 2: Connect iPhone to your computer.
Step 3: Run Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact , your contacts on iPhone memory will display as shown in your iPhone screen automatically as fig 1. Click on single name, all his or
her information will display as fig 2 shown.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Step 4-a: In fig 1 situation, you can click button "Copy" to copy all contacts from your iPhone to your computer , then select options:
1: Choose File Type: backup to TXT file, ANTC file or CSV file;
2: Choose File Path: You can change the backup path if you do not use default path.
3: Advanced Option: if you choose ANTC format in step 1, you can add a password to protect the file. Note: We do not know the password, so please do remember it.
Click OK Button to finish the Copy. See fig 3.
Note: You can only copy the first 5 contacts with trail version.
Fig 3
Step 4-b: In fig 2 situation, click button "Copy Contact From who" to copy contact of a single person, select options:
1: Choose File Type: Backup contacts to TXT file, and CSV file in single contact transfer;
2: Choose File Path: You can change the backup path if you do not use default path;
3: Advanced Option: Disabled in single contact transfer.
Click OK Button to finish the Copy. See fig 4.
Note: You can only copy the first 5 contacts in trail version.