Recent content by OverkillMaster

  1. O

    Wiring up home studio

    Hello, I have purchased an Allen & Heath ZED10 mixer for my home studio. I already have an Apogee ONE which I was using to output audio to my Adam A7X's. Now that I have a mixer should I output audio from that and how would I go about doing that? My setup consists of the above items, an Akai...
  2. O

    Thoughts on audio setup?

    Hello, i am looking to invest in a good audio setup for my pc. I currently have superlux hd681 evos with a modmic 4.0 muteless. I am planning to get the asus xonar dsx (for positional audio) and line out it to a fiio 11k. I have heard that the asus xonar dgx improves mic quality but it only has...
  3. O

    Positional audio with dac/amp?

    Hello, i am looking to invest in either a fiio e10k or an smsl m2 dac/amp and i was wondering whether i could get something else that would give me positional audio. I would like to avoid razer surround but it is an option and i am using the superlux hd 681 evo headphones. Thanks
  4. O

    Good dac/amp or sound card for headphones?

    Hello, I am looking for a good dac/amp or sound card that will give me good audio. I am using the superlux hd681 evo's with a modmic. I have looked at the fiio e10k, the s.m.s.l m2 and the asus xonar dgx. I have been leaning towards the asus xonar dgx because it gives good positional audio but...