Recent content by patchez

  1. P

    iPhone 4G/HD Possibly Discovered on Bar Floor

    couldn't they just power up the device and see if it contains OS 4.0? no one to my knowledge has actually put the OS on a different phone...
  2. P

    Google Executives Convicted for Bullying Video

    wow... who the F are these 'advocacy groups'? can i start an advocacy group against their 'advocacy groups'?
  3. P

    Are Modern Shooters Too Much for Older Gamers?

    reaction time differs from person to person reaction time does slow as you age but hard-eye coordination should also be taken into account while gaming at 27 i'm still kicking a$$ in fps, but i can do away with all the whining chatter and the weapon spamming. there's not enuff respect for...
  4. P

    Cuil: When Your Best Feature Becomes Your Worst Enemy

    Ditto here, Cuil often gave me no results if I put in more than 2 words as a search criteria. Heck, I couldn't even find my University with it! Totally a waste of time (pronounced USELESS)