Cuil: When Your Best Feature Becomes Your Worst Enemy

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I tried cuil to find a basic thing, an oil filter for my truck... I got lots of result entries (none useful, but lots none the less). flipped over to google used exactly the same search string and it was the first hit.
It get worse as you try to search for more specific things! For example I search "Can't ping but can browse", which was an issue I had couple days ago with my linux. Google simply returned some good answer, where Cuil didn't give me one link back! That's certainly not Cuil (Pronounce Cool)!
Ditto here, Cuil often gave me no results if I put in more than 2 words as a search criteria.
Heck, I couldn't even find my University with it!
Totally a waste of time (pronounced USELESS)
As long as Tom's keeps its mouth right at the phallus of Google and Apple, you will never get an opinion that really matter. Cuil has been up for two or three days. Give it a sec, or just immediately dismiss it? Google is defintiely better, but Tom's only offers to try to help sway people's opinions for the sake of those who pay them. Sounds like bias to me.
@anony Mouse

Why do people like you always consider "Tom's" as biased? Clearly if you read any number of articles around the net you will find some very similar opinions in regards to Google and Cuil. Why? Because the truth however painful is what it is. I do agree the site will likely improve and I am excited for a real search alternative just so we have one. But to call out Tom's for sucking off Google and Apple seems silly at best. Especially when I constantly see little ranting boys complain about counter bias in favor of MS or say Tom's is biased towards Nvidia, Intel, or AMD. Both sides always claim bias. This tells me an educated reader that most likely there is little actual bias if both sides are b itching. Just because a view point is expressed which you do not espouse does not immediately mean there is bias or that the article is wrong. Keep and open mind FFS.
You know it is not actually clever, when you have to tell everyone how to pronounce it. It's like a joke nobody gets and you have to explain the punchline.
We didn?t find any results for ?.net sql error timeout?

Pretty much sums it up.
Worst search engine I've used. I searched "Ricoh Aficio 1060 toner" click on the first link which showed the picture of the printer. I got a porn site and almost got into some trouble at work for it.
[citation][nom]crockdaddy[/nom]@anony MouseWhy do people like you always consider "Tom's" as biased? Clearly if you read any number of articles around the net you will find some very similar opinions in regards to Google and Cuil. Why? Because the truth however painful is what it is. I do agree the site will likely improve and I am excited for a real search alternative just so we have one. But to call out Tom's for sucking off Google and Apple seems silly at best. Especially when I constantly see little ranting boys complain about counter bias in favor of MS or say Tom's is biased towards Nvidia, Intel, or AMD. Both sides always claim bias. This tells me an educated reader that most likely there is little actual bias if both sides are b itching. Just because a view point is expressed which you do not espouse does not immediately mean there is bias or that the article is wrong. Keep and open mind FFS. [/citation]

Even though I'm usually not as vocal as that other guy (save for one apple rant) several of the authors do have a clear bias, even if its a small one.

Several people with opposing biased views do not cancel each other out so your argument that everyone bitching equals no bias is very flawed.

Its just as probable that absolutely everyone is biased and readers call them on it when they are overly kind to things or companies they don't like.

For the record though I personally don't see anything wrong with this article either.
"Cuil claims that its search index spans 120 billion web pages, apparently about three times the size of Google?s index that was last reported to span 8.2 billion web pages three years ago." =>
Cuil claims that its search index spans 120 billion web pages, apparently about three times the size of Google?s index. Three years ago Google reported to span of 8.2 billion pages, but don't bother about that.
OR, to the contrary, 120/8.2 = 3
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