Recent content by pclaptop23hour

  1. P

    Solved! Securty Camera Video editing software . . .

    VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE I need an video editing software program so I can patch together video clips from a home camera video security system for a court presentation Also can I do mutli camera patching so that the end result shows 2 or 3 cameras simultaneously on the screen at the same time...
  2. P

    HP laptop G71-329wm no boot!

    I tried connecting to another monitor, VGA out and nothing. I also tried solutions recommended from Google search results, A)Power Reset (3 different variations), and B) the keyboard Bios Reset (Windows logo key with the "B" key and the "V" key) solution with no success. I was told by another...
  3. P

    HP laptop G71-329wm no boot!

    At boot up, Power, Wireless and Bat chg lights turn on for 3 secs then unit shuts down. No onscreen video what so ever! I changed RAM modules(2 qty) out and now unit partially boots, Power, Wireless and Bat chg are lit, and stays powered up to the point where the caps lock lights (two of them)...