Recent content by poorgeek

  1. P

    Gears of War 3 Potentially A Year Away

    TheDukeif it's pretty much done around this year I guess they can just go bug hunting and maybe a beta. With this much time they might actually consider a PC port or work on UT4 full force If there will be a UT4, I'm afraid it will be only for consoles. Probably a subject for another thread...
  2. P

    VIDEO: The Fake Sun That Lit Up a Canadian Town

    Interesting. But they could have spent the $$ on a system to keep the oranges from freezing in Florida. Due to winter damages, Tropicana will be raising the price of their OJ soon.
  3. P

    Complain About Cell Phone in Movie, Get Stabbed

    That's sad. I hope the victim fully recovers and the LA cops catch those involved. There's too much hate in this world - not enough respect and love for one another.
  4. P

    Google Executives Convicted for Bullying Video

    The focus should be victims of such abuse and those who perpetrate these and other similar acts. I guess the Italian officials think that Google execs spend their days filtering videos?
  5. P

    Epic: Ureal Engine 4 Not Until ''Next Gen''

    Seven years and counting for UE4? I hope someone develops the hardware that can actually use it. Otherwise, it's DOA.