It will probally not show up on PC, since it brings in alot of customers/console sales to M$. I was real dissapointed when GOW 2 got held back from PC.
The saddest thing about it all was when GOW 2 came out and had glitches galore, more people started showing up on GOW PC. Only to have a "mysterious GFWL glitch" show up breaking the online on PC for a week or two(Just GOW PC). During that time EPIC and M$ decided to not manufacture any new copies of GOW PC, and pull the existing copies off the shelves. Once the patch came out to fix GOW 2 360, all of a sudden there was a patch released for GFWL that fixed the online for PC, but no new copies got put out. Gee, trying to keep people from leaving the 360 M$?
GFWL website don't even have GOW PC listed on there website. Newegg has it listed as not in stock. The only places me and my buddies could find it was Amazon($30-$40 new), and as a digital download from gamestop($49.99).
Real shame IMO, because GOW PC was alot better than the 360 counter parts. GOW 1 and GOW 2. The gameplay was faster, there was less lag, it had a longer story, it had more maps, and it looked ALOT better in the graphics department.
I really hope it does come out on PC, but I wouldn't hold my breath.