Gears of War 3 Potentially A Year Away

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if it's pretty much done around this year I guess they can just go bug hunting and maybe a beta. With this much time they might actually consider a PC port or work on UT4 full force
It will probally not show up on PC, since it brings in alot of customers/console sales to M$. I was real dissapointed when GOW 2 got held back from PC.

The saddest thing about it all was when GOW 2 came out and had glitches galore, more people started showing up on GOW PC. Only to have a "mysterious GFWL glitch" show up breaking the online on PC for a week or two(Just GOW PC). During that time EPIC and M$ decided to not manufacture any new copies of GOW PC, and pull the existing copies off the shelves. Once the patch came out to fix GOW 2 360, all of a sudden there was a patch released for GFWL that fixed the online for PC, but no new copies got put out. Gee, trying to keep people from leaving the 360 M$?

GFWL website don't even have GOW PC listed on there website. Newegg has it listed as not in stock. The only places me and my buddies could find it was Amazon($30-$40 new), and as a digital download from gamestop($49.99).

Real shame IMO, because GOW PC was alot better than the 360 counter parts. GOW 1 and GOW 2. The gameplay was faster, there was less lag, it had a longer story, it had more maps, and it looked ALOT better in the graphics department.

I really hope it does come out on PC, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
I really wanted to play GOW2 on the PC but alas they excluded us. And no way am I buying another insta-brick Xbox 360.
Who gives a crap? Unlike UT3, Gears of War for Windows was a good game... No Gears 2 for PC, of course NO gears 3 either.

Perhaps some of us don't want the RROD 360 version of the game?

I will never ever EVER buy a MS console.

I've bought MS games and even still have the best joytstick ever made for the PC, the Sidewinder Pro by microsoft.

Microsoft no longer supports games for PC, so no need to support MS for their consoles. bye bye... Oh, why do we need MS-Windows for again?
Didn't get to play GOW2 on the PC really depressed me. Even if they plan to release GOW3 for PC, I wouldn't be interested, is like watching The Fellowship of the Ring and then Return of the King; skipping the Two Towers
I was also disappointed not to see GOW2 on the PC. I moved to other games and decided to forget that GOW had other parts. I haven't even looked for a walkthrough of GOW2 to see how it develops / ends. I agree with Notorio's opinion 100 percent.
And of course I am not buying a console just for a game.
I will continue playing with my PC version, I like it. I am keeping the box and the latest patch together, just in case a need to reinstall.
Honestly: Microsoft lost a sell (or two) with me.
gears of war 1 was ok. the second one was absolute crap. i sold that on ebay after playing it once. that guy's voice made me want to slaughter that actor, break my tv, punch holes in my speakers, throw the amp out the window, and shoot myself in the face.
I bet that expected April 2011 release will be delayed to a Fall 2011 release, just like every other game worth buying in Microsofts possesion.
maybe this time they'll have offer public unranked online splitscreen like they did for the first game but didn't for the second.
[citation][nom]TheDuke[/nom]if it's pretty much done around this year I guess they can just go bug hunting and maybe a beta. With this much time they might actually consider a PC port or work on UT4 full force[/citation]

If there will be a UT4, I'm afraid it will be only for consoles. Probably a subject for another thread, but I've been thinking about the whole PC and console gaming thing. I'm only a casual gamer (have only one game on my PC). I don't think I'll ever get a game console (current models anyway) because I like to decide on what hardware I want. Consoles from MS, Sony, and Nintendo are computers in a different form factor without the option to upgrade components and are limited in several ways. Economically, I don't see a real advantage in game consoles; however, people buy consoles because of the software exclusivity, as GOW2 is an example. I give PC gaming less than 10 years before it dies. Game machines will be only consoles (i.e. limited PC in a different form factor). The exception could be made by services such as OnLive or Steam. But when the big three hardware companies pay game developers to create software only for consoles, that seals the fate the PC gaming as we know it today. Just my humble opinions.
Not interested after they botched the mp on the 2nd game. I loved the first even with it's flaws. I think most true fans of the first wanted Epic to give a few new maps and to fine tune and correct issues with the mp, i.e. glitching, host advantage, etc. They tamed it down and made stun/smoke grenades, a watered- down shotgun, not to mention the connection issues the first month and a half that were present after release. Unless Epic goes back to the hardcore feel of the first game, you can count me out. I'll not be dropping 60 bucks for a 6 hour single player experience.
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