Recent content by ricin

  1. R

    Oh My: Apple Bans Foxconn iPhone App

    Commie hypocrites.
  2. R

    Apple Store Gets Burglarized for $24,000 Worth

    Meanwhile, 24,000 people were burglarized by Apple today.
  3. R

    Google CEO: In the Future, Kids Will Be Able to Change Their Names to Escape Onl

    No they won't, because in the future everybody will have their GUID (that's Global Unique Identifier, for the technically challenged) tattooed to their foreheads.
  4. R

    Android Phone Loaded With Porn Sold to Woman

    This clearly the fault of the Android platform. It should be banned!
  5. R

    First iPhone 4 Camper Already Appears in Dallas

    In other words, my tax dollars pay for your iPhone. Nice.
  6. R

    Unhappy AT&T Customer Shoots AT&T Employee

    I think this story is bullshit. People can't carry guns in New York - it's the law there. Duh.
  7. R

    Oprah Has a 'Fancy' 4G Phone That You Can't Have

    If the phone was production ready, it would be in production. I wouldn't want it.
  8. R

    iPad Getting Schooled, Hospitalized and POS'ed

    What in hell is going on here? Tablet computers have been around for years, and all of a sudden Apple releases a crippled device and the idiot droves can't get enough? This is out of control.
  9. R

    EIGHT More Leave Infinity Ward, Two Join Respawn

    Wow, this is the biggest game industry news since I left Origin 7 years ago.
  10. R

    Game Designers Make $67,000 Per Year?

    This is odd. I've been pulling a six-figure base for the last 6 years, and I'm a game programmer in Austin. I don't wear a suit.
  11. R

    First Dotcom URL Turns 25 Years Old

    That's just the first domain name. URLs were not invented until 1994.
  12. R

    Unity Engine Gives iPhone 3x Speed Boost

    This is basically a press release disguised as news.
  13. R

    Nintendo Has No Plans to Ship Black Wii to U.S.

    This is why I would never invest in a Japanese company. If a public American corporation flat turned out a revenue opportunity, the CEO would be immediately ousted. The Japanese do it out of spite.