Recent content by rsktek

  1. rsktek

    3D Printed Guns Can't Fly Under This Radar

    Lol... that's not a gun officer *troll face* I'm just happy to see you :D
  2. rsktek

    CastAR: The Augmented And Virtual Reality Triple-Threat

    Wondered how long it would take Tom's to mention this tech gear.
  3. rsktek

    'Lightning Returns' For the Closing 'Final Fantasy XIII' Chapter

    @kinggremlin isn't Toshiba going to buy them out though?
  4. rsktek

    'Killer Instinct' Brings Fighting Action To Xbox One

    Six damn characters... no.
  5. rsktek

    DoJ Investigating Cable Companies over Data Caps

    Can't believe we're going to have to back Netflix up, but looks like supporting them is the only way to get rid of these stupid, mental caps :/ so, I guess, go Netflix...
  6. rsktek

    Verizon Finally Reveals Share Everything Plans

  7. rsktek

    Rickroll Video Removed Due to Copyright Claim from AVG

    It works for me! .... oh wait... I just got rick rolled... -_-
  8. rsktek

    Amazon Has the Samsung Galaxy S III for Pre-order at $800

    It's not that we love Google, just that we don't particularly agree with apple (hate).
  9. rsktek

    Verizon's HomeFusion Broadband Launches May 3

    mightymaxioAt school we get 1 gigabit uncapped ports for our LAN events, which is pretty epic to see over 2tb downloaded in under a day. Our upload isn't that bad either like 500-600mbps. What school are you going to? O.o
  10. rsktek

    NASA Shows You How to Play Angry Birds in Space on the ISS

    Hi, I'm an astronaut, and I am NOT high.... :D
  11. rsktek

    Galaxy Tab 7.7 Comes to Verizon on Thursday

    Hmm, you know, I may as well buy a murcielago and drive into a building as a contemplate my debt...
  12. rsktek

    Best Hardcore Gaming PC under 600 bucks? DVD Burner Case HDD GPU...
  13. rsktek

    Study Shows That Using Cell Phones Makes Us Act Selfishly

    joytech22Oh REALLY now?I work differently, if someone talks to me while I'm texting I just stop texting until I have time to give my phone the attention. Not the other way around.Hah >.< Here come the thumbs.. Probably down. lol. We haven't all descended into primitivism ;)
  14. rsktek

    AT&T Completes $1.9B Purchase of 700 MHz LTE Spectrum

    zoemayneso qualacomm made about 1.2 billion?... It would seem that way...