Recent content by RussGrem

  1. R

    Have a iPhone 4 locked in iCloud

    I have a AT&T iPhone 4 that I can't set up because it's locked in iCloud the phone is not black listed or stolen. Got it from a ex gf . It won't let me activate it till previous owner turns off iCloud/find my phone off. What are my options? Can I find out original owner from Apple?
  2. R

    I bought a sprint iPhone from Ebay that is black listed .

    What are my options. I have been using it as a iPod for 2 years. I did not know it was black listed till recently when I checked the IEMI # before I tryed to sell it. Can I have it unlocked? Jail broken ? Are will sprint give me PUK #
  3. R

    Can't get it to reboot

    I was running a virus scan and had to leave . I turned my wifi off . when came back computer was in sleep . I can't get out had to turn off I did 3 hours later trying to restart was when it got stuck in windows 8.1 recovery mode. Screen says failure configuring windows reverting changes don't...
  4. R

    Can't get it to reboot

    Nothing is working.cant get it to even go into safe mode.
  5. R

    Can't get it to reboot

    My windows 8.1 will load up to 90% then it restarts and does this over and over. Never starting up. Can I hard set it from start up ??? Are any other solution ?